It's the old fart's MMP!!

Fnaly botlted the hmoemaed wine. Woudln’t all fit ni botltes, so drakn rset.

Obbligrtry drnuk psot.

Today after work, I sent my boss an e-mail to explain that my head is about to explode and I have quit jobs that made me less miserable than I am right now. So we’ll see how that goes tomorrow.

Tonight, Roomie and I are finally getting around to watching Sharknado, and four minutes in, I’m already happier than I’ve been in weeks.

My Oh My! That’s some colorful birthday wishes! Makes me feel all happy! :smiley:

$2.99 I must point out that yours was particularly f-aaaaaa-bu-lous! :smiley:

Nuts glad you decided to celebrate my bday. I trust you were toastin’ me with the leftover wine.

Apes Celeste looks beeyootiful in her gown!

We did not go out for bday seafood tonight. I really didn’t feel like it today what with the funeral and irk. So we grabbed a burger just cause that was easy and quick. I’m just tahrd and gonna make an early evenin’ of it. The coupon is good until August 8th. I’m thinkin’ Firday would be a good day.

Jim the hat is tres chic!

Happy birthday, Swampy. :slight_smile:

I have not completely frittered away the day. Today I learned that back in nineteen hundred and fifty-one, butter and ice cream were considered important parts of the well-balanced diet. 'Tis true! I saw it in this film with a special appearanc by Spike Jones* as The Dad.

That’s a cutesy li’l baby, Apes.

I forgot what else I was going to say.

*Or a reasonable facsimile.

Happy birthday, Swampy!!! :D:D:D

Wow, with an emphatic birthday wish like that, I hope you didn’t throw your back out or anything!!! :wink:

i want some
i need some

It was a close call, being an Old Fart and all.
Now, get the hell off my lawn!

Posting from a tablet - I don’t like it much…

Plus the house lacks ice cream!

Irked, came home, had a martini. 6 days till vacation.

Nah, you look good.

I wanna get hmoemaed, too.:smiley:

April, awwwww, Celeste looks cute.

Contrats, sari! When’s the housewarming keg party?

Yay, for writing, Drae. I should do some cartooning again.

FCM, no ice cream? What’s next, no bacon:eek::eek: and no TP:eek::eek::eek::eek:?

dogbutler, you know it’s cruel to even mention the words “no” and “TP” in the same sentence around these parts! Shame on you. Now we’re all gonna be on red alert. And on his birthday, too!

I had ridiculously scary nightmares last night, one of which I woke myself up by screaming in my dream (which was moaning in real life). I am so tired today. I hope to Og I am not going through another nightmare phase of my life. Those really suck. :frowning:

Work is going well. 23 days left on the boat.

Sorry had issues with links from nomadic access device over the weekend.
Confidential to Cap’n (That means no one else read it :stuck_out_tongue:) I spoke to the Official Starting Device of Running with the Bulloons 5k race {see next to last ¶} . She doesn’t want to fly Jaws, but a plant with jaws, no issues. :slight_smile:

I has a Tiger Stripe hat like that. Guess we need to put them on & detour her on the way home for [del]Flytrap Airlines[/del] birthday SirPrize* fer someone. :eek:
Sari, is your relator from Re/Max? If so, I took this for you; this is what it looks like on the inside. :smiley:

  • Ken was there this wickend, too

Good Gad!
How do you live like that? :eek:
I have an ipad from work that Mrs. Plant (v.3.0) has taken over to cruise the web.
I am not fond of them, but then I like DOS. :slight_smile:

Happy birthday, you ole bear!

Dang, yo Do. Nuthin like a bday to bring the revelers out.

A Winnie the Pooh reference? :dubious:
And what the heck is “flytrap airlines”?

Wickend? Is that like a wicked weekend? :smiley:

Confidential to Spidey, slowly the plan seems to be getting there, still working on the SHARK launcher as its potential uses are unlimited.

Howdy All!Thanks for the hat feedback, I have never been a “Hat Guy” other than the “straw cowboyhat taco” which was stolen from me years ago. Kinda like this but I made mine and it was more extreme.

No jewelry either.

I shall now follow in Nuts’ footsteps and have a drink or 6

Cheers all


Interesting and emotional day. I guess those happen from time to time. The good news is that I signed up for a 10K race labor day weekend! :smiley: