It's the old fart's MMP!!

I was feeling terribly organised remembering to bring a brolly for once while shopping, until the massive crack of lightning directly overhead… :eek:

I was going to do some gardening today, once I got back from the shops, but I think you’re right, sitting in with a cuppa is probably the better plan.

Happy, happy, happy birthday Swampy!

Bah! I really did not want to come back to work today, but here I am. I have meetings and a shit ton of stuff to do. Have I told you all how much I hate my job? I am just sure I have.

As I noted in last weeks MMP, the wedding was beautiful, fun, and funny. We all had a blast. Everyone was relaxed and just had a great time.

The sun is supposed to come out today and temps should be in high seventies. Tomorrow they’re calling for low eighties.

Happy Birthday Swampy

Monday flavored blurf

ⓗⓐⓟⓟⓨ ⓑⓘⓡⓣⓗⓓⓐⓨ ⓢⓦⓐⓜⓟⓨⓑⓔⓐⓡ!!!

show off

Who is swam y ar!!!?

Buy another vowel.

Had some studio time - I trimmed 5 pots and killed 2 bowls, plus reclaimed 3 softball-size lumps of clay, which I will work tomorrow.

Shortly, I will go outside and get the laundry off the lines. Supper will be corn on the cob and fresh green beans and I’m not sure what else. Maybe fish? We shall see…

Back from feeding the kitties, which by the way today is their female person’s birthday as well.

I sat out in the sun for a while and my ear is starting to feel better. Then I came in and the dog wanted me to go out back with him, so I sat in the sun some more. It’s his latest thing, he won’t come in unless I come out and sit for a while and give his butt a nice scritch.
The dog is gone loopy.

Now I’m hungry.

Scritching dog butt makes you hungry? :dubious:

no, fix the color settings on your monitor :wink:

Not when you put it that way.

Well, I bought a hat. I shall no longer sunburn the top of my head while on a hot summer stage. I am also camouflaged, so I look like an idiot…I think…


Happy birfday Swampy! I hope you get lots of cake and presents and neat stuff on your speshul day. What kind of see fud will you have tonight?

**Jim **- I don’t think you look like an idiot, but you do look pissed off!

Laundry is down, folded, and put away. I love taking the clothes off the line and just inhaling the line-dried fresh smell! Better than any dryer sheet evar!!! And the sheets!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Happy Birthday! ( I stole FCM’s birthday song and change the color lol)

Celeste looked lovely in her blessing gown Sunday.


the offer was accepted!!!

and yes Celeste looks lovely but the angle of the picture makes me dizzy
same with 2.99 pics, with my ear acting up those pics made me queasy


:::crossing my fingers for the day when I never have to deal with this shit anymore::
of course there will be all new kinds of shit to deal with

She does look adorable, and that upholstery must be standard in Church buildings. :smiley:

I remember when friends of mine had their first child. They put her in this huge floofy dress that was bigger than the baby! :slight_smile:

I stole it from one of swampy’s serenades to another doper. :smiley:

Celeste looks positively angelic!

YAAAAAAAAAY sari!! Still not telling us which house??

Supper was good - I cooked up FCD’s fresh green beans with onions and bratwurst. I did my green beans without the brat, and I just had a hot dog. Plus we had steamed corn on the cob. I’s stuffded!!

I’m also a little ticked. Yesterday, I cut up a cantaloupe because I thought it was ripe. It wasn’t. I’m afraid I’m going to have to toss it. :frowning: Stoopit melon.

Time to find another knitting project. Hats and scarves, I’m thinking…