iTunes store question

I want to purchase a song on iTunes. How do I get beyond the TimMcGraw, Josh Grobin, yada yada yada screen to a search for a particular song? Why doesn’t the screen scroll smoothly? When I click on “See All”, the screen jumps around between various hit singles that I don’t care to view in the first place.

There’s a genre menu at the top, and also a search field in the upper- right corner.

Not sure what you mean about the screen jumping around though. The home screens (both the main, and the one for each genre) are more or less showcases for new music that week and other spotlit stuff.

That “see all” link is to see all featured albums.

Top right of the iTunes window, “Search Store”. The same search box you’d use to search your songs.

Okay. I used the search in the upper-right corner, and tried to purchase a couple songs. After each purchase, I received a “iTunes is temporarily unavailable” message, so I’m not sure if they were completed.

They weren’t completed, but I resubmitted them and was able to complete the purchases. Now how do I transfer them to my iTunes library?

They should be there already.

If you’re still in the store, click Library near the top right to go back. If you click the Playlists tab, you should see a playlist called Purchased - they’ll be in there. Or just search for the artist or song name.

To sum up, when you make a purchase, it automatically downloads that song locally to your iTunes library.

You toggle between the store and your local music library by clicking the right-most button in the iTunes menu bar (“Library” when in the store, or “iTunes Store” when in your library).

I see it in my purchases, but don’t see it my library though. They’re sorted in my library by artist’s first name.

The Purchases playlist is part of your library. If it’s there, it’s in your library.

To each his own, but I always buy songs for my iPhone from Amazon not iTunes. They cost the same but are simpler, DRM-free, MP3 files!

At this point, it’d probably save you a lot more time and frustration if you simply check out Apple’s iTunes help page. Plenty of quick videos there to get you up to speed.


There’s no DRM on iTunes songs. Hasn’t been for more than five years.

It worked out fine. It just took a few minutes delay for my Purchases category to appear, and I had a computer glitch that made me have to go through the purchases again since they didn’t properly go through the first time around.

Well dang! :smack: Learn somethin’ new everyday! (I’m a diehard PC guy, my iPhone is the only piece of Apple stuff I own).

Though I still prefer MP3s to AACs (I only convert to 128 AAC when moving them onto my iPhone…)

I buy from Amazon for the same reason. Well, not the DRM part. I know iTunes files are DRM-free. But I want files that’ll play on my Creative player as well as my iPhone, so I’d rather not download from iTunes then have to convert from AAC to mp3. Amazon will automatically put their files in your iTunes library, anyway, if you choose.

Slight highjack, but as someone who uses both Macs and PCs, I find that most (but not all) of the negative comments made about both platforms are either false, exaggerated, or no longer true.

Right-click (or control-click), “Create MP3 version” will convert an AAC to MP3.