Ivana Trump is dead at 73

Two people familiar with the matter told The Associated Press that police are investigating whether Ivana Trump fell down the stairs and believe her death was accidental.

He also should have said, “all of those who loved her” instead of “all of those that loved her.”

All the wishes for trump’s death somehow got deflected to her.

Speaking as a 73-year old, 73 is pretty young.

Check her for poison.

Setting aside that it was written in complete sentences—a grammatical nuance that “The Donald” has yet to manage—it fails to praise the purported author and his self-proclaimed greatness in having bedded and wedded the most beautiful women. It also proclaims pride in his sons, which he definitely has never expressed (understandable in the case of Eric) and doesn’t make a single suggestive comment about how he produced such a sexy daughter with a gorgeous body.

There is absolutely no way that this was written or even reviewed by Donald Trump.


Turns out that was a separate email sent out by TFG’s PAC. His “truth” had no donate button.

Donald’s “truth” IS a donate button.

I feel bad for her, 73 really isn’t all that old and she is certainly innocent of any wrongdoing that her ex has done. Her kids are all too young to lose a mother so that’s pretty sad.

Plus she divorced Donald Trump. Would that others had the fortitude to do likewise (metaphorically, I mean—I don’t really care if Melania literally divorces DT, do you?).

Ivana’s death has to be quite a shock to her kids. 73 isn’t very old. My condolences to Eric, Ivanka and Don jr. The ten grandchildren will never forget their Babička.


I am genuinely sorry for her family’s loss.

I am also teeth-grittingly aware of what would be going in media and social media circles had, say, Michelle Obama suddenly died right before her husband and children were due to testify under oath.

Trying to “go high”…

It was an owl.

i watched “the staircase” over the weekend. first thing i thought.

her children must be devastated. they are going to have a terrible time of it.

Does anybody else think it was weird that Ivana had a daughter that she named Ivanka? It’d be like if they named the first boy Dronald.

according to Wiki, her name is actually Ivana MarieIvankaTrump.

Imma call her Vank (pronounced “Vahnk”) from now on.

ivanka is a nickname for ivana; like donnie for donald.

It has been, temporarily.

Also like “водка/vodka” (distilled alcohol) for “вода/voda” (water).