I've been activated by the Red Cross

I’m going to en route shortly to Birminham, AL, to help pick up after Cindy so that they are prepared for Dennis. I will probably be gone for two weeks. I will be on the ECRV, a Ford Excursion studded with antennas and a satellite link. I’ll try to keep a blog, as we will have internet access whenever we have the satellite dish up.


Good luck and take care. Otherwise, who will rescue the rescuer? Seriously, be careful, and don’t drink the water.

Travel safely and thank you for what you do. I can’t count how many times I’ve wanted to go and help on a recovery such as that.

We look forward to your return!

Thank you for what you do.

I hope you have minimal work to do, too – here in New Orleans we’re still digging out from under all the fallen tree branches from Cindy, which took everyone by surprise – not to mention all the power outages that we still have – and a lot of people are panicking at even the thought of Dennis. I don’t want Dennis to come this way, but I don’t want to wish him on anyone else, either, so my fondest hope is that he loses heart and fizzles out well offshore and takes it easy on everyone, including you!