And I’m hurting.
The Word Came Down from On High that our Photo Lab’s parking lot looked like a wasteland.
Guess who gets to clean it?
Earth had migrated over the concrete curbs, weeds grew profusely from cracks in the asphalt, and the parking lot’s drainage ditch hasn’t been cleaned out since the building was constructed, back in 1976.
That concrete-lined ditch had 4 inches of earth, topped with an inch of turf in it. One area had 7 inches of earth, & an inch of turf.
My tools? Broom, dustpan, a shovel, & a trash can instead of a wheelbarrow. I needed a mattock & a hoe, too, but didn’t get one.
Temperatures have reached the 90’s very early in the AM these last few days (today is an exception), and humidity has been high.
I’ve been starting at 5:30 AM, & going on until 8:30 or 9. Started Tuesday, finished today.
I’m finally done.
All that sun has left me feeling a little crazy.