I've finished Season 3 of LOST and I wanna talk about it. (open spoilers)

I know I’m lame and everyone who really cares about this has already talked about it ad nauseam but I don’t care. I have questions dammit!
-In the last episode of Season 3 Ben is trying to calm Jacob and he places his hands on the arms of the chair. Ben is thrown from the chair. The camera pans back quickly and in the blink of an eye you can see Jacob in the chair. It looks like the silhouette of Locke with a long haired wig on. Does anyone else agree?

-I’ve been sick for weeks so I went back and watched the first two seasons and was surprised to have seen Pablo and his girl in the first season as background actors. I heard Ana Lucia and Hurley’s girl where shot on the show because they couldn’t control their off screen excesses. What do you guys think is the percentage that’s quickly written vs. the overall planned story arc?

-Did they kill off Pablo and his girl after doing all the ‘and who the hell are you?’ jokes because of fan ire?

-I heard this is supposed to go 8 seasons exactly. Is that true?

-When Jack went to the funeral no one was there. When asked if he was family or friend he said neither. Kate replied to the question of if she went to see him/her with ‘why would I go?’. Who do you guys think was in the coffin that Jack went to see?

-Why did Locke blow the submarine up? He didn’t want to leave, but he didn’t have to stop others. WTF? Does Jacob talking to him and his killing the helicopter pilot mean hes going to become an Antagonist in the near future? I gotta tell yeah, I have a very Anakin feeling about him.

Yay, a Lost Season 3 thread!!! I just finished it tonight. Woah.

So anyway, I’ve heard 6 seasons total. Three more, each with only 16 episodes apiece. I think the Paolo and Nikki episode was just a great one-off. It was fairly self-contained, though i did have some funny callbacks and a few things hat became more important later. The best part about it, though, was seeing that the “redshirts” on the island haven’t been sitting on their asses the whole time. They’ve made some discoveries apart from our heroes. And it was dark as all hell. That ending left me shivering. Ewwwwwww.

One of my friends is having a little party on the 31st to watch the premiere on his big-screen TV. I’m pretty pumped.

Interesting thought, and there’s lots and lots of talk about this going on. The actor cast for Jacob isn’t Terry O’Quinn, and he looks too heavy-set and long in the face to be Locke–but who knows? Maybe something on the Island changed him…

Pretty much, yeah. Juliet, Mikhail, and Alex = how to introduce new characters. Paulo and Nikki = how not to introduce new characters.

I wish! It’s only got three more seasons, with sixteen episodes to each.

Again, this has got a lot of speculation going, but my WAG: Michael. No one else attends and Kate is pissed because Michael betrayed them to the Others. The newspaper clipping mentions the person dying by suicide (Michael would be pretty guilt-torn over leaving his friends behind) and having a teenage son–Walt. There’s a noticeable emphasis on the funeral being held in a mostly African-American neighborhood. Brian (his ex-wife’s new husband) wouldn’t attend, and there’s no other family that we know of. It fits all the clues we’ve got so far.

Locke a) thinks that nobody is meant to leave the Island, b) is a couple of coconuts short of a palm tree by this point.

And all spoilers say that Locke is going to seize control of the Others from Ben, so you could be right.

I’m glad to see that there are so many other Lost fans on the Dope. I’ve been renting the disks from Netflix to catch up, and I just finished the last one last night!

My thoughts exactly. If it was anyone else (Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid) you’d expect someone to have attended. I think Michael became separated from Walt again (maybe the boat sank in a storm, or maybe the Others double-crossed them) and Michael ended up in America alone. He might think that Walt is dead, or he might know better but, like Jack, he can’t find any way to get back to the island. Eventually he kills himself. The only question is why Jack would be so broken up by Michael’s death. I’ve heard that Michael will be returning in Season 4, so he must have some run-ins with Jack in the future.

Remember at the end of the flash-forward, when Kate said, “He’ll be wondering where I am.” She’s got to be talking about Sawyer. It’s pretty obvious that Kate doesn’t end up with Jack.

Here’s my theory: the government has been covering up the existence of the island and its facilities. They falsely declared that flight 815 had been found on the bottom of the ocean because they didn’t want anyone to stumble upon the island. Eventually, the castaways are rescued, but they have to swear that they won’t tell anyone about what they’ve seen, and everyone has to agree to a cover-story of some sort. For Kate and Sawyer, this means new identities and a chance to start over.

As for Locke, he’s afraid that if he leaves the island, he won’t be able to walk anymore. I can totally see him killing Ben and taking over as the leader of the Others, and keeping Walt around as an adopted son/conduit to Jacob.

And lastly, that episode with Paulo and Nicki had one of the freakiest twists I’ve ever seen. They both get buried alive!! Damn! :eek:

I did see one of the twists coming: I figured that Locke’s dad would turn out to be the guy who scammed Sawyer’s parents. The producers of Lost seem to love that “six degrees of separation” stuff.

It’s a very quick scene, and not very clear, but spoiler sites indicate that:

The part of Jacob was (and will be) played by Kris Kristofferson.

Complete speculation follows:

[spoiler]Because Jack feels, or actually is*, responsible for whatever reason Michael took his own life.

*In a non-illegal sort of way. [/spoiler]

It appears to be 7 DVD’s, which is more than I want to sit through over the next 10 days or so.
Is there anything extra on the DVD’s that’s worth getting them for?
Does anybody know if they plan to re-air the last few episodes in the days before the premier? Or have sort of a catch-up episode like ISTR them doing in the past? Surely they won’t just jump in on the 31st.

I guess I could have just checked tvguide.com myself.

It looks like the hour before the premier is a recap. “Through the Looking Glass” (last season finale?) will air the day before.

A Lost thread??? Okay, if you want to discuss Lost on the Dope you need three things to fully appreciate the experience:

Hater: “The writers are totally jerking us around and don’t know what they’re doing. Lost sucks!”

Lurver: “Go thread shit somewhere else! It’s a character-driven drama and I love it and you’re ruining my experience! If you don’t like, don’t watch!”

Obscure lingoist: “Benry totally FAT’d the DBT and the he CDTOT, that we talked about last week!” :wink: :slight_smile: :rolleyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :mad: :smiley: :confused: :frowning: :eek: :wink:

I think it’s said in the bonus material that Carlton Cuse actually “played” Jacob.

Or maybe she went back to her husband, Sherrif Mal.

The 7th disk is the “extras.” The episodes are contained on the first 6. Only one (I think) contains a commentary (“he Man Behind the Curtain”), but I could be wrong about that. I’m not yet sure what the 3rd season’s extras are, but the first two seasons had some fun extras, so maybe that’ll be the case again. If you’re trying to catch up and need a little more time, you can always watch the premiere later on abc.com and be completely caught up by episode 2 or 3 of Season 4. come to think of it, all episodes are on abc.com for watching as it is.

Personally, I’m leaning toward it being Ben in the casket. There’s something about Jack’s guilt over leaving that makes me believe that people are dying because they left the island. The twist may be that Ben left the island along with some of the Lostaways.

OK. I just added it to my Blockbuster queue, unlocked the series*, and then deleted the first 5 listed. We’ll see what we get (the titles were too long to display the “disk x of y” part, and highlighting them only gave the generic “Lost - Season 3” info.

  • In Blockbuster’s online queue, if you add a multi-disk series, they will appear in your queue “locked”, guaranteing that you get them in order. You can unlock them and take your chances. They should add an option to allow you to lock various DVD’s in your queue – eg. I currently go through a small bit of trouble managing my queue to make sure that I get the UFC events in the right order.

Crap. So did I just remember it wrong, or was it one of those things that someone posted and everyone else repeated as gospel truth?

Yeah, but have you seen Lost? The fact that they made that obvious threw up red flags for me. Admit it, you thought Bernard was black. I didn’t notice the paper clip mentioning suicide, I kept freezing the scene over and over again to see the name but I couldn’t read it. I’m expecting it to be a twist like Ben or something.

I think Kate with Sawyer is too obvious, my money is on Sheriff Mal also.

Here’s the take from The Tail Section on who is in the coffin. I don’t think there are any real spoilers, but proceed at your own risk. Locke and Michael take the top spots in the guessing game, for those who don’t want to go to that site.

Yep, looks like someone posted this and I fell for it. Probably someone fooling around with the Wikipedia page. I hate when that happens.

Lostpedia’s article on The Newspaper Clipping. For anyone interested.

Here’s what is visible:

I actually subscribed to straightdope for a year in order to contribute to this thread…

I started it thinking “Well, lets see what some peoples theories are”, and it appears the important conclusions I made about the final episode are not the important conclusions other people did…

So lets see what those alternative conclusions are…

Two important quotes from the final episode from:

Link to transcript


*"PHARMACIST: Doctor Shephard, you can’t write a prescription for yourself.

JACK: That’s not me, that’s Doctor Christian Shephard, I’m Doctor Jack Shephard, he’s my father.

PHARMACIST: I’m gonna have to call your father’s office to confirm this.

JACK: He’s out of town right now."*

**QUOTE 2:
*"DR HAMILL: How much have you had to drink today, Jack?

JACK: OK, I’ll tell you what, you do this. You get my father down here, get him down here right now, and if I’m drunker than he is, you can fire me. [Pause] Don’t you look at me like that. Don’t you, pity me. "*

My conclusion:

Jacks father is being referred to in the present tense. He’s still alive.

Theories now:

So how is this so? The island appears to be some sort of dimensional crossing point. There are references to people visiting which don’t agree with each other. The parachute woman said that the Scots blokes girlfriend sent her. The TV link to the same woman disagreed. This is because they are two different dimensions.

Thats why the plane appears crashed in that dimension. The woman ifrom the helicopter was looking for the bloke from the boat. Not the crash.

Jack and Kate have escaped the island. They are not, however, in the same dimension they started in.

Whos in the box?

Sawyer. Kate refers to not being let out, and you’d assume its Sawyer in some dominating role. This doesn’t really match his previous behaviour, while somewhat jealous, its a bit over the top. It does however match her stepfathers behaviour who she killed. But obviously not in that dimension.

Hasn’t anyone discussed this one before? I formed this conclusion within days of the final one being aired last year…

I remember thinking at the time this aired that the dialog about Jack’s father was meant to be ambiguous. Why would they make Jack say “Don’t you look at me like that. Don’t you pity me!”?

This, to me, seemed like whoever Jack was talking to was looking at him “like that” because his father is very much dead and Jack is having delusions. His delusions might be as small as forgetting his father is dead, or as big as “I was on this island with a bunch of people, ya see…” leading us to believe that the entire series was from the deluded mind of Jack Shepard.

I think it was too open-ended and ambiguous to really come up with a concrete answer as to what all that dialog meant. The entire final episode was one big “what the…?”