I've got a S.E.C.R.E.T.(Agency, that is)

In real life that are numerous government spy agencies, but there seem to be many more fictional ones. Which of the ones from this list would you want to be recruited into?
I’d be willing to work for U.N.I.T. or S.H.I.E.L.D.

K.A.O.S. of course. And maybe Z.O.W.I.E… Flint was cool.

C.O.B.R.A. (Criminal Organization of Bloodiness, Revenge and Assassination), because they have cool uniforms, and inspiring leadership.

Huh, I’d no idea Cobra was an initialism.

There’s always C.O.P.S., the Central Organizatrion of Police Specialists. They get lots of nifty cyborgian toys to play with. They’re not really spies or secret, though.

C.L.I.T.O.R.I.S. (The Committee for the Liberation and Integration of Terrifying Organisms and their Rehabilitation Into Society), fromRed Dwarf

Sign me up for I.S.I.S.

I am afraid I’d be right at home at CONTROL, though now I see it puts me at odd with Silenus. I’d say more but my shoe is ringing.

“Citizens of Utah, stimulation of the CLIT is not recommended.”

Whatever group we join, I want to be the Supreme Head of Intelligence Targeting.

No, wait… never mind.

Yeah, I’d dig being the Man from UNCLE or ZOWIE but would be likely to only be hired by CONTROL.
From the linked article:

Or maybe they’re just lame stuffed shirts, annoyed their real “peacekeeping” gigs never had a CO as awesome as the late Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart.

I’m sorry, we can’t offer you the top job. But would you be interested in being the Number Two man?

U.N.C.L.E., in the division that provides R & R for Ilya Kuryakin, assuming both of us have the bodies and faces we had in the 60’s, yes? Why yes, of course, this is fiction! We can do anything!

Does Section 31 stand for anything?

(“not even the anthem! b-DOOM kssh”)

I reject your reality and substitute my own. I shall replace Mr. Harold Smith as the head of CURE.

I’d become a member of SPECTRE. When I see James Bond I’ll fall to the floor and pretend to be unconscious.

Then there’s Bureau 13.

Unless he dies naturally or of his own volition, the only “head” you will be is a head rolling down the hallway.

I want to be in the T.P.F.

“Power to the People”

Definitely G.R.O.S.S.