I've lost my virginity again: I have a cell phone and a questions about it

I must be about the last adult in Uhmurica (the Excited States of America to Canadians) to get a cell phone. I’d like to load some unique ring tones to it (I didn’t get the browser feature on my service plan) from my pc. It’s a Motorola phone. Is there a way to download ring tones or even my call book to the phone from a USB port?


It depends on the specific of the phone but in most cases I’ve seen ring tones are purchased from a website and sent to the phone as a special type of message. Once you’ve done that you can use the menu on the phone to save it in a ring tone memory. Check your provider’s website first.

this can be done, at least, with nokias. A friend of mine had a kit that had a cord and some software in which you could transfer ringtones and make pictures. I’m not sure about other capabilities. I’m sure every brand would have something of the sort. If you don’t have a composer, try your service’s website, they’d have tones. But if you do have a composer (to make your own ring tones) try http://frostzone.com. Cheers.

Whatever you do, don’t buy the cable from retailers. My phone uses a serial connection to connect to my PC and stores were selling it for $50-$79 with software. I bought it from an online store on Ebay for 7 dollars with software. Works like a charm, though I use it to sync contacts, not all phones let you customize rings.

I recently got a Motorla T721 and I also spent a bazillion hours trying to find out an easy way to get ring tones onto it. You will benefit from my pain :P.

If you want, you can find the keystrokes to compose songs online. You can just use those strokes on your own composer to create the tones.
Depending on your model, you can get the appropriate cable and software to transfer ringtones that way. Gagin works for the T720 model, and maybe for the t721, but I haven’t tried. There is other software out there as well, check out the motorola page and other places.
“Ring Tone Converter” turns midi files into phone-specific composer strokes.
“Polyphonic Wizard” will convert midi files into a ringtone for your phone and allow you to download it from your computer via your phone’s web browser, if you have one
Just search for either of those on google.

Well to get ringtones on my cellphone what I do is search the net for RTTL format of the tone I want and then use this free nifty software to convert the tones to the keystrokes as per my phone.

I thus get a wider variety for free! and also eliminates the need for cables and software etc.