I've never eaten Peanut Butter before...

Tuna salad works better.

Um, I’ve heard.

Umm… I don’t know.

The worst bite I’ve ever gotten from a cat was when I tried to feed one a morsel of tuna salad from the tip of my index finger.


<spurt> <spurt> <spurt>


It wasn’t bloody like in Kill Bill, but it was close. I didn’t know fingers bled like that.
More peanut butter goodness:

First, hie thee to 31 Flavors and get their chocolate peanut butter ice cream. :cool:

Second, a favorite recipe:

Peanut Butter Nilla Wafer Sandwich
1 Box 'Nilla Wafers.
1 Jar JIF peanut butter, smooth.
1 butter knife.

Take Box, Jar, and Knife to TV area, and turn to classic cartoons like Flintstones, Jetsons, or Speed Racer. Smear Jif on Nilla Wafers and eat, one by one.

This is the best way to eat peanut butter out of the jar, especially when you’re 11.

If Nilla Wafers aren’t available, try dried apricots.
Third, a classic recipe

Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches

2 slices bread (Wonder Bread, Roman Meal, or the like)
1 jar chunky peanut butter
1 ripe banana, sliced lengthwise in half
Mayonnaise, optional but recommended. Butter or margarine can substitute.

Lightly coat one side of each slice of bread with mayonnaise. Spread a 1/4" thick layer of peanut butter on one of these faces, and then layer banana halves on peanut butter. Top with remaining slice of bread. Cut in half and serve with a tall glass of milk.

Note: I tried once combining the fluffernutter and the PB&Banana concepts… it was a total flop.
And Finally: if anyone has a recipe for a peanut butter banana smoothie, please share so I don’t have to experiment. :slight_smile:

N. Sane, I just wanted to let you know that I’ve just returned from grocery shopping and you, sir, are my hero. :smiley:

I’m a ma’am, but I’m glad I’m your hero! :smiley:

I’ve never eaten a salad

Nobody cares, pool, start your own thread :wink:
Just kidding. But seriously, you’re not missing out on much. I don’t eat salad either if I can help it. Peanut butter, though, is a much different story, although I haven’t tried the vast majority of all these exotic ideas. I usually either eat PB&J or straight out of the jar; I don’t boast much self-control around this substance :smiley:

Salad > peanut butter.

Peanuts are good by themselves or dipped in chocolate or even chopped up and put in food (mm… thai food) but peanut butter is nasty unless in a reese’s cup. Or a peanut butter ball, as mentioned earlier in the thread.

Yes, I know I’m a heretic. But if it’s burning at the stake or eating a PB&J sandwich, I’d choose the burniation.

I’m watching two threads and could have sworn that this comment was in the Diet Coke thread. I didn’t figure it out until I saw JimSox5’s post. :smack:

I should go open my own thread, but I’m too lazy. Instead I’m gonna eat some peanut butter and drink a Diet Coke.


From the OP:

Matt Ridley’s book “Genome” ( Fourth Estate Ltd, 1999) says that men tend to outgrow allergies, while females tend to develop then in the mid- or late-20s and not outgrow them.

Perhaps one of your parents had the allergy and believed that you would have it too. Or something provided a false trigger for them to believe that peanut oil was a problem.

Best regards,


Glad I could help sperfur. I wish I would’ve made that connection. :smiley: I had already read the Diet Coke thread, even, and it didn’t dawn on me until after you posted.

You’re crazy!!!

I love peanut butter. I’ll eat it straight off the spoon, just for that yummy peanutty goodness.

Another good idea: peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwiches. M&Ms are good too.

Awww, crap. So if the anti-bodies really are gathering strength and are going to attack me any minute should I…

a) eat everything peanut that I can find (except Dairy Queen’s Peanut Buster Parfait) while I still can


b) take it easy on the peanut noshing?

I have a really hard time with moderation but if I’m faced with life without peanuts (again), I might be able to hold on. If I have to take it easy, what are some things I *must * try before the allergy comes back?

Suggestions? Opinions?

Try the Peanut Buster Parfait. Its one of my favorites. The salted nuts are a nice contrast to the sweet ice cream and hot fudge goo.

PB&banana has been mentioned as a great sandwich, but it’s even better with some good bitter marmalade in it.

Best of all is to grill it, but sit down before that first bite - your knees will buckle from the ecstasy.

My parents were convinced that I was allergic to chocolate because once after having a headache in kindergarten my mom gave me a chocolate shake. I got sicker that day but whatever it was eventually ran its course. My parents saw that my headache got worse and they (well, my mom really) decided it was because of the chocolate. They also put on the tagline that I was “addicted” to chocolate (I was a 5 year old that liked chocolate, seriously, I didn’t crave it or beat younger children up for their haloween candy).

I still get asked by doctors who see this showing up on my charts from time to time “So, have you been eating any chocolate?” and “Do you still crave chocolate?”

A chocolate bar was a rare treat when I could get to the store when my parents weren’t around that I had to hide when I was younger… hell, when I went to a summer camp in 8th grade it was on my health report that I might have some “issues” with chocolate. My name was in their little store there with a note that said “Do not sell chocolate to this person.” IN 8TH FRIGGIN’ GRADE! I was well old enough to realize it was all bull.


grumble grumble grumble…

Okay, so we have 1 for the Peanut Buster Parfait, and 1 against. Anyone else care to weight in?

The whole arguement is probably moot anyway since I am allready dedicated to another Dairy Queen concoction. During the summer, only on the weekends, the DQ near my house has raspberry soft serve ice cream. Dip that in chocolate and I’m in heaven. I love raspberry but I don’t like the seeds getting stuck in my teeth. I don’t know why they only carry it on summer weekends.

Back to the peanut extravaganza!!!