J.K. Rowling on her favorite Harry Potter character / new cover art for reissues

Oppps, damn, sorry!

I figured it would be Hermoine as well. Maybe her mind changed while she was writing them. I remember she said she knew the book were in good hands when she asked Chris Colombus who his favorite character was and he said Hermoine and not Ron. I think he quote was,“He gets it.”

I guessed Hermione, based on previous comments she’s made about the character.

Dumbledore makes sense, though. So does Snape.

(Snape is my favorite!)


There are new illustrations for the first book: http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/15/entertainment/harry-potter-illustrated-images-feat/index.html

I agree. For the American and English covers at least.

Want to see a really spoilery cover?
Here’s one from the Ukraine. It’s so bad I’ll put the link in a spoiler box for anyone who hasn’t read the Deathly Hallows.

Just look at how spoilery that back cover it. Unbelievable.

Yikes! :eek: That is spoilery! But the cover is also quite lovely. If I thought Hubs wouldn’t hit the roof, I’d buy it just for the cover.

I like the new American covers, but I don’t like them enough to buy the series again. And, since the kids each of kids already has a complete set, I don’t even have that as an excuse. Oh, well…

That Ukraine cover is much too busy for my liking.

Late to the party, but I guessed Dobby.

Since he’s such an obnoxious character, that had to be the reason he was in there so much.

I guessed Sirius, because I figured Harry or Dumbledore or even Snape would be too obvious.

Luna Lovegood is the one I’d choose to know IRL. Harry should at least have had her as a girlfriend at some point, though they were too different to be together in the long run. Luna and I would be just crazy enough for each other. :slight_smile:

Absolutely not. We didn’t need Yet Another Ravenclaw who Exists Only to be a Love Interest. Bad enough that that was literally every Ravenclaw in the series before Luna showed up.

The art work is pretty good. If they split it up and used it inside the book at the END of chapters it would be nice.

Then you should like the back of that Ukrainian cover.

And apparently his name in the Ukraine is “Fappi Nottep”

Well, not that bad, but it does look like it would be pronounced more like “Gary Potter”.

Garri Potter, who I guess must be Harry’s lesser known cousin. And apparently the author is named DZ. K. Roling. Are we sure this isn’t one of those Chinese knock-offs?