Jam Session

Is anyone else involved with a musician? My husband is a wonderful guitar player and singer- we have a whole upstairs area full of recording equipment, PA’s, speakers, effects equipment, mics, etc.
He’s currently practicing enough material to play out at clubs/coffee houses. No problem, right? Wrong.
The SAME songs. Over and over. For hours. Granted, they aren’t loud when I’m downstairs, but I can still hear them and sometimes I think I’m going to go insane. When he records his stuff, he plays the same 10 seconds of a song for hours getting it just right. You get the picture. Sometimes he tapes his practices and listens to them as we’re going to sleep so he can have my opinion.
So I just wanted to vent. He also really loves to have me as an audience, so frequently I get to sit right there and listen and smile.
Here are some of the songs on the current playlist that I have heard so many times I could cry:
Sister Goldenhair
One Less Set of Footsteps (Jim Croce)
Operator (Croce)
Tears in Heaven (Clapton)
Tequila Sunrise (Eagles)
I Shall Be Released (Dillon)
Plus about 6 originals

Anyone else sick of hearing the same songs??? Or am I all alone here? :slight_smile:

A friend is someone who likes you even though you’re as ugly as a hat full of assholes.

For a second there, I thought you were talking about the new Clutch cd, but I was mislead…

I know how you feel about having bands practice for seemingly hours… I have 2 bands around me (one is a floor below my apartment and the other is two houses down). The one below me doesn’t bother me so much as the one two houses down. They play punk and some very fucked up techno while their friends jump off of the second floor onto trees n stuff, all while experimenting with mind expanding drugs in a non-consequence free environment. They need to move.

“I’m not dumb. I just have a command of thoroughly useless information.”-- Calvin and Hobbes
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Well, Cowgod- I feel a little better. The difference is, I’m expected to really enjoy it, even after hearing it for weeks on end. You can scream out the window at the annoying neighbors. I have also vowed to love this man, in sickness and in health- through electric and acoustic forever and ever.
Could be worse…Could be raining!
PS- now he’s doing “Always on My Mind”

A friend is someone who likes you even though you’re as ugly as a hat full of assholes.

Zette, I feel your pain, but I know where your husband is coming from. I play guitar also, and when I try to learn a new song, sometimes that is the only song I’ll play over and over and over so that I get it burnt into my brain.

I want to make playing the song automatic, so that I don’t have to even think about it when playing in front of others. I’ll also tape myself playing the song because sometimes when I’m playing I think I’m playing at the right tempo, but when I play it back I can hear that I’m playing it too fast/slow.

I live by myself, though, so no one has to hear me playing the same thing over and over. I can imagine how it could be torture for you.

On a side note, I got the Eric Clapton Unplugged DVD two weeks ago, and I’ve been using it to get “Tears in Heaven” down cold. I must have played that song 200 times so far. I finally can play it perfectly :slight_smile:

Zette, gotta use some technology here.

Get your husband to set up some stuff for you . . . with some nice headphones. They crank up, you tune out.

You can get wireless headsets for your tv, for example.

Works on your stereo, too.

There’s also “noise-canceling” headphones that merely block sound . . . a merciful thing when on a airplane . . . or trying to read or do other work while practice goes on.

Those sonic earplugs work pretty well too; you’ll pay about $25 a pair, but they block noise.

I would also ask him to take a look at his rehearsal space; there’s things you can do to reduce sound, some of them aren’t even expensive. Not only would that make life better for you, but it might also improve HIS practice and musicianship and isn’t that what it’s all about?

I note that even if you play in the loudest thrashiest band, there’s no benefit to practicing something with the volume dial turned to “11.” There’s words for that sort of thing . . . I’m too nice to say so here. Makes you feel good? Sure. Lets off steam? No doubt. Inconsiderate to others? Absolutely. Have you tried threatening your husband? Nothing like the fear of death to inspire better behavior . . .sorry, was thinking out loud there. . . :slight_smile:

I offer all these things as someone that has seen the situation from both sides; I’m a practicing musician myself, one that tries to be considerate of other people . . . and I’m also someone with pretty sensitive hearing who hates to be blasted with loud sound and/or repetitive stuff. I live next door to a 300 piece marching band that practices 4-5 hours a day, it’s taught me a lot about being nicer. (It’s also forcing me to hire a lawyer, but that’s another story.)

your humble TubaDiva
“I’ve suffered for my art, now it’s your turn.”

Just be happy he doesn’t have groupies!

Zette, I do feel your pain. I know exactly how you feel. I am married to a guitar player. He’s an awesome player, and I do love to listen, but not in my tiny little house. Noodling on the acoustic is fine, but this place is just too small, and too close to the other neighbors to go full-tilt with the electric rig. Besides, we’ve got small children, and they don’t like loud noise (unless they’re making it).

He’s got things hooked up now so that he can play his electric without me hearing it. Not being gear-knowledgeable, I can’t explain it. But he can play at any volume he wants, and listen to himself through headphones.

I do enjoy being married to a player, though. They’re a really different breed of cat. It’s never boring, that’s for sure!

Make him a cake. As you’re making it, make him taste the flour. then the salt, then the salt with the flour. then the egg, then the egg with the salt and flour, then the water, then the water with the…etc.

he should be able to understand that.

Mmm hehe um yah jack am coke, yah yah, vodka- Keith Richards

The suggestion of headphones and other, quieter practice gear is a good one. But you might also want to adjust your attitude to the whole thing. Perhaps when listening to him it might help you if you focus on the fact that you married a creative man who would rather be home exercising his abilities rather than sitting out in the bar with his buddies. You could have married a pilot like me, who burns $100/hr when having fun. (-:

I think a lot of the little annoyances we put up with from our mates can be made a lot more bearable by simply adjusting our attitudes towards seeing the bigger picture.

Another thing, writing good songs is a curse sometimes. The artist plays and plays thousands of times trying to get it perfect, then when it breaks, he’s tired of it already, but it’s all anyone wants him to play.

Mmm hehe um yah jack am coke, yah yah, vodka- Keith Richards

Laughing, laughing, laughing.

You think you’re sick of hearing it?
I wrote the damned thing, and I’m sick of hearing it!

Tubas advice about headphones is good, but I’d reverse it.
There is plenty of good equipment out there, that will let him hear himself play. But he gets to wear the headphones.

If he plays acoustic and sings, you’re pretty much shit out of luck, but if he plays electric, then you can do what’s called a DI, direct inject of sigmal, into a mixing board, or recorder, and then listen thru headphones.
A small four track recorder will handle this great, and he’ll be able to listen, and see if he’s doing it right.
(When you’ve got the song down, and it sounds right, you don’t need to practice that one anymore.)
At the least you’ll get some variety, and the headphones will be on his ears.

I’ve used this recording and practice method for years. He can hear himself better, and, no one else has to listen to him practice.
(well other than that annoying pick click against the strings)

In the case of being asked to evaluate recordings,
Listening to one or two repeats of the same song is OK,but you gotta draw the line.
Tell him in some non-offensive way.

(even being a player, I can understand the look of MEGO, ‘my eyes glazeth over’, or, ‘you lost me back there somewhere, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, but I am now pretending to understand’.)

Most musicians can understand that they might love it more than you do, and don’t really expect you to feel the same way.
(be gentle, he’ll get over it)

You know, one time I read, Tuba correct me if I’m wrong, but someone once said, if you want to discourage your kid from playing a musical instrument, take him to hear an orchestra tune up.

And yet we got past that. Didn’t discourage me in the slightest.

(and, when we’re with our own kind that speak the same lingo, and can play that damned song one more time, well, its heaven.)
{Oh yeah, Tuba, you were wrong about 11.
Sometimes you just gotta go there.
It’s one higher, ya’ know?}

What great responses! I do take exception to this one, though:

But you might also want to adjust your attitude to the whole thing. Perhaps when listening to him it might help you if you focus on the fact that you married a creative man who would rather be home exercising his abilities rather than sitting out in the bar with his buddies. You could have married a pilot like me, who burns $100/hr when having fun. (-:

I have NO problem with him playing 'till the cows come home. I love his music and he’s very talented. My post was meant to be a lightheared “can you feel my pain” jest about musicians. He isn’t blasting me out of house and home, he’s just practicing the same songs over and over. I am extremely appreciative that I married a talented and kind man. He just happens to value my musical opinion a bit too much.(I am also a musician, but I don’t record like he does). He has poor pitch so he depends on me to help him out. I don’t mind, really. I wrote my post after the 10th time I heard “Sister Goldenhair”.
Plus he’s half deaf from playing out when he was younger :slight_smile:
Happily, he goes through phases with his recording/crazy practicing. Thanks for letting me vent :slight_smile:

A friend is someone who likes you even though you’re as ugly as a hat full of assholes.

Congrats on learning “Tears in Heaven”. I’m in the process of doing a nice flute part to accompany his guitar work- it’s coming along really nice. When we record it (for ourselves) I’ll try to compress it and send you a piece of it (or put it on a CD). Do you record, too?

A friend is someone who likes you even though you’re as ugly as a hat full of assholes.

Yes! Thank you, BugZap! This is what I was trying to say that my husband does, but I couldn’t remember. It’s all flooding back now. He uses a four-track Teac (sp?). I can’t hear anything except the pick on the strings that you also mentioned. :slight_smile:

He has poor pitch so he depends on me to help him out. I don’t mind, really. I wrote my post after the 10th time I heard “Sister Goldenhair”.
Plus he’s half deaf from playing out when he was younger ]]] zette

If he’s half deaf from playing out, how long ago was it?
Consider a visit to an audiologist and an (ear doctor) whatever the hell the medical name is)

The ears protect themselves from loud volume, by secreting wax to block the ear canal. His ‘half deafness’ may be nothing more than that, and you can’t clear the blockage with your, well lets just say it ain’t safe to stick things in your ears.
The doc’ll clean 'em out right, and safely too.

Then the other one will give you a hearing test. Just a series of tones, played into either or both ears.
You’ll get a volume and frequency printout of the actual measured response, of your own hearing.
Set your equalizer to balance that spectrum, and you have custom ‘flat response’, balanced to your own ears.
Way cool.

Either of these is worth the price.
You get your eyes checked when you can’t see right don’t you?

Clearing a blocked ear will also help clear up the poor pitch problem.
You can’t hit pitch right unless you can hear yourself well.

Listening to ten sister golden hair surprises in a row certainly qualifies for some kind of prize, doesn’t it?
How about a horse with no name?

I confess to never tiring of hearing someone sing Croche’s ‘operator’, but of course, never heard it ten times in a row.

I think the worst I’ve gotten personally, was a local bar ‘theme song contest’.
My writing partner and I came up with an entry, I did the music, he did the lyrics.
We followed the kiss rule, since we had to play the entry at the bar/coffeehouse, live.
Keep it simple stupid.
Acoustic blues guitar, vocal, and harmonica.
I made up my part, rhythm guitar, then called Rob. Wha’cha got for words?
He came over, we cut four takes live, one after the other. Take two was good, three was excellent. We entered.

So the recording took four takes, the practice to re-do it live took 26.
I wanted to have it down to the point that I could play it, in any mental or physical condition. I might forget and fuckup, but my hands would keep on playing till I remembered. It worked too.
When the room fell quiet, and you know that they are actually listening, have stopped chatting and pouring down brews, and are actually listening, well,the pressure’s on.

Scary. Felt just like walking up the asile, getting married.
Now I have to play it right.
That’s where the 26 rehearsals kicked in, my hands continued to play, in spite of the sudden attack of stage fright, and we wrapped it up just as rehearsed.

Whew! I escaped upstairs and out front for a smoke.
I had about three puffs before someone recognized me. ‘hey, weren’t you that guy that was just on?’
You guys won.

I snorted, you ain’t heard the others yet, but thanks! (that is, laughingly snorted)
We were told that we had won by several other people thru the course of the evening, including one of the judges taking a piss at the urinal next to me.
(I think he was shopping for free shooters, and Ok, I bought him one)

Can I take you up on the offer you made to Stevie?
I’d like to hear your flute part on tears in heaven, too.
If and when of course, and sorry for horning in on a private reply.

I agree with your advice, but it’s been done. He has partial hearing loss from playing out with metal bands as a young 'un. Anyway, my OP was meant as a lighthearted one- I think I should have addedd some :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: faces.
I’m glad some others here can relate!

BugZap!!! Longtime, no see . . . missed you, my friend. I’m so glad you’re here.

Zette, your man (and you if you spend a lot of time in clubs and such with him) need to look after your aural health.

I carry a pair of sonic earplugs on my keyring and I wear them often, especially when in proximity to speakers. I didn’t used to do this . . . until the day I returned a tuning fork to the music store because it was “defective.” It worked fine; my ears were shot from years of not taking better care.

What I carry are plain old sonic ear plugs, cost me about $15, you can buy them in sporting goods stores as well as some more enlightened music stores. You can also have 'em custom fit for about $100 a pair; see an audiologist for a referral.

It really makes a difference.

your humble TubaDiva

I appreciate everyones concern, but it’s not really the noise, it’s the repetition that gets me. Usually he practices upstairs, and if I’m downstairs, I can still hear him playing. Not loud, just annoying is all. That’s why I get tired of the same old songs, over and over. He doesn’t usually blast me out of the room- if he’s going to play loud, I get plenty of warning and go see a movie :slight_smile:
It’s the repetition that kills me. Same songs, day in and day out. But that’s how you get good, so that’s just the way it is! Just venting, anyway. I really do thank God every day that he’s still with me to play “Sister Goldenhair” for 4 hours straight. (he got hit on his bike over the summer and I’m still not over it- probobly never will be)

A friend is someone who likes you even though you’re as ugly as a hat full of assholes.