James Deen Is Not Sleeping With Lindsay Lohan, And Neither Am I! What About You?

I am not sleeping with her. Although in the spirit of full disclosure, I was having a maintenance-fap at a local dive bar and she was unconscious under the urinal I was using, so some of it might have hit her hair.

Well, IRL I** AM** Lindsay Lohan and ALL of you guys made my “best-boner’s” list.

Not anymore.

I want to make it clear right here, right now, once and for all that I am not sleeping with James Dean.

I’ll let you know after this weekend.

Your proctologist thanks you.

I’m not sleeping with James Deen either.

OK, maybe I slept with Jimmy Dean once, but it was just for the sausage.

Necrophiliacs Anonymous must be working out for you.

Bolding mine.:smiley:

Meh. If she’s talking about this guy, she probably heard of him in connection with Ms. Lohan. Now whether she should be following Lohan’s career, that’s a whole other discussion. :smiley:

So now your daughter is wondering why people are talking about the fact that some guy who died in 1955 isn’t sleeping with Lindsay Lohan?

Why? I should think it would make his job easier!

Rumors are afoot that I am not sleeping with Lindsay. I deny those rumors categorically.

Well, I guess, but then you have to carry around Play-Doh scissors to cut your poops.

Apparently. Unfortunately she probably Googled the other name last night.

After reading all this I’m going to stop sleeping with her.

I am not sleeping with Lobohan.

Oh, she totally wanted me.

But I was afraid of what might happen to my penis.

Just the thought of sleeping with Lindsay Lohan just gave me a soft on…

This just makes me realize how sad and pathetic my life is. Not only am I not sleeping with Lindsay Lohan, I am also not sleeping with a huge list of tabloid celebrities, Victoria’s secret models, hotties in commercials or for that matter, local real estate agents.

Nor am I sleeping with James Deen. Or Paula Deen, although I have tried some of her recipes.

Is that what the kids call it nowadays?