James Deen Is Not Sleeping With Lindsay Lohan, And Neither Am I! What About You?

I’ve been planning to sleep with Lindsay Lohan, but I wanted to wait till she’s sober.

That might be necrophilia by the time it happens.

That link had him in a panda suit.

That might be archaeology by the time it happens.

I am also not sleeping with Lindsay Lohan, and haven’t been for quite some time.

For the first time in a while, I don’t think I get it. Yeah, he’s in a panda suit on some BDSM site. What does that have to do with what I said? Teenage girls like pandas?

I can’t recall.

So sad…

At one time, we couldn’t wait for her to turn 18.

Now, we wouldn’t do her with another man’s penis, lest we be charged with manslaughter.

I was just remarking that I followed the link, and saw the subject in panda porn, a gang bang video with all the men in crotchless panda suits.

Maybe they were all Trek Dopers when ST:ENT was on.

That’s just how we dress round here.

I must confess that I am sleeping with Lindsay Lohan.

See, I never heard about the whole Don’t Stick Your Dick In The Crazy thing until after I met her, at which time she introduced me to the idea. Besides, I have a thing for attention-whoring drama queens with daddy issues, and in Lindsay I have found the perfect combo of the three.

Actually, the sex isn’t that bad. Although I’ve gotten in the habit of giving Godzilla a good scrub with Oven-Off after each romp. After the last breakout, I figure one can never be too sure.

You’ll get your turn eventually.

for the record I am not sleeping with anyone in this thread.

0 is the record? This thread sucks.

Why yes it does.

The reason I brought the topic up was that Deen is supposed to have a large fanbase of teen girls. Here’s an ABC News video mainstream media viewing-with-alarm on the topic of Deen and his teen fans. If you wanta more considered opinion, you must go to the Internet, of course.

Actually, for Ms. Lohan, that counts double.

Currently, I’m not sleeping with her, but it was my understanding that, if one wanted to, everyone would be given a turn… Now Mr Dean? That’d be fun…