Jan 6 ceremony and NO members of the republican party attended except:

There are “good” Republicans, and there are Republicans in power that control what the Party says and does.
Right now the “good” Republicans have less power than the Log Cabin Republicans (who, btw, have thrown away any principles they once may have held, going bull goose looney for Trump).

I have noticed that Mitch McConnell has disappeared into the woodwork for the time being while still holding an iron grip on his conference. As loathsome as the former president was and is, McConnell is worse and has been leading my former party to this place since the other guy was just a reality TV personality and a blowhard.

McConnell will reemerge after the mid-terms and continue to destroy for his tribe and he will no longer need to use or tolerate the disgraced former president to do so. He is far more dangerous and he is not as careless and incompetent. Most importantly, he no longer has anything to build at his age – he just wants to destroy. And he will.

The Democrats are doing this; they’ve been doing it for years now. It’s not their fault the idiots in the Republic party are fully invested in the ‘pubbies’ BS.

No, the Dems are not loud enough or persistent enough. You heard that speech Biden gave? We need to hear that from every elected and wanna-be Democrat, loud and clear, in the headlines of all the media (at least the mainstream media), over and over without let-up. That’s “Big Truth”. That’s what I’m not hearing or seeing.

Getting Democrats to waste all their time denying the crap instead of pushing their own message is part of the plan.

Then the Dems should be a lot more aggressive in pushing that “Big Truth”.

So they shouldn’t waste any time addressing the lies and accusations churned out by the Republicans?

Make up your mind!

No-You should make up yours. Do you want the Democrats to spend their time and effort addressing the shit Republicans are throwing at the wall, or do you think the Democrats should spend their time addressing their own agenda and ignore that shit?

@Czarcasm: You got that right.

Once again: the Democrats are not at fault here; it is purely the problem with the Republicans.

Also, is this 2005?

Talking about “Democrats should say X and Y” completely ignores the reality that many on the right only watch FOX, Facebook, Newsmax, or worse.
And we’ve seen in recent months how tight FOX is with the Republican party; it’s essentially the propaganda wing except more powerful, with Cruz grovelling to Carlson being just the latest example.

A good measure of how good Biden’s speech was, is that it got virtually no mention on FOX. And sadly, that’s that: most Trumpists will never hear the content of that speech.
Meanwhile, because FOX tells them that the election was stolen, that’s what they’ll continue to believe.

I don’t know what the solution is. I don’t know how to get tens of millions of adults to understand they are listening to the wrong people and need to start listening to other sources. But let’s at least be aware of what the problem is first.

We can’t. All we can do is make sure that everyone else understands what happens if that bloc regains power and does what they can to prevent that from happening. Starting with simply voting in the mid-terms.

I’m sure if there was a mispronunciation, any sort of gaffe, or anything that can be taken out of context, they’d hear all about that.

Exactly. And that’s why it’s rubbish to say dems need to work on their messaging. The people they need to persuade won’t hear it.

I’m not saying “give up”, just that it’s sadly not as simple as getting the message right.

I agree. I keep hearing people say, “Democrat should say this, or that, or the other…”, and I point to where Democrats have said the things that they say that they should have said, and then they say, “Well, I didn’t hear them say that, so it doesn’t count.”

It’s no longer a matter of spinning facts, it’s a matter of having an entire political party that operates on alternate facts.

Btw I tried to edit my post to make it clearer I was not saying “rubbish” to anything you said, but missed the edit window.

The idiots saying that about the Democrats are exactly like the idiots clamoring for Muslim leaders to condemn terrorism and then ignoring the numerous instances where Muslim leaders did, in fact, condemn terrorism. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same group of idiots.

I don’t care if the Democrats quietly said they’re not okay with a coup in some interview. Your attitude is disgusting. They are clearly losing the messaging war and quietly allowing this coup to happen. I am more in tune with politics news than 99% of Americans and I think snarky comments from AOC is the closest to resistance I’ve seen.

Imagine what a strong, competent political party would do when their opponents were effectively illegally moving to consolidate power and compare that to what the Democrats are actually doing. They’re resistance is completely ineffectual and your condescending comments which amounts to “Nancy Pelosi asked nicely not to have a fascist takeover. What more could you possibly want? You’re being unreasonable” are abetting the staggering lack of a defense of our democracy and implies the people who want someone to fight for it are just being entitled brats.

Incidentally the board rules on this suck. You can call me an idiot for wanting the Democrats to mount a competent defense but I can’t throw a similar level of hostility back at you.

What you’re missing here is that the Democrats are not doing anything wrong. What’s wrong is the opposition, in the form of the mass of morons who support the Trump party (let’s call it what it is), will not listen, will not see, and will not listen when read to them, the facts of any matter. They are completely and all-in for that. For the umpteenth time: this is not the fault of the Democrats.

And so if the Democrats mount no effective defense whatsoever to a fascist takeover, anyone dissatisfied with that is an idiot?

What a gutless country and party. Rolling over for a fascist coup and hey, the bad guys are at fault, so we won’t do anything, we’re absolved. Oh well.