Janet Jackson's boob fell out of her costume!

At the end of the halftime show!

Yes, but was that a pierced nipple or a pastie?

Missed it. Serves me right for not liking Janet Jackson and getting online during halftime.

Definitely a gold pasty. Probably planned but the network wasn’t told.

Initially, I was going to ask what was up with her first costume: the white ruffly thing over the black pants. ??? That looked like something a six-year-old would do while playing dressup. “Okay, I’m the bride now; gimme the curtain!”

But anyway, that last shot…I can’t play it back right now, of course, 'cause the game’s still on, but I saw her look down as if to say “WTF?” And I wonder what Justin was thinking—“Man, every time I go anywhere, women are putting on a show!”, perhaps?

Mr. Rilch says that shot’s gonna be all over the net by tonight. And that it’s a good thing, from Ms. Jackson perspective, that the camera wasn’t right up on her. Though I daresay she would have preferred that the shot was only on her face.

Shibb: As I said, I’ll have to check the playback. I thought she looked as if it wasn’t planned, but perhaps I interpreted…

Streaker on the field? WTF!

Anyway. I thought she was looking down at it, as if it was indeed a “surprise appearance”, but perhaps not.

UncleBill, I think she does have a pierced nipple. But I could be wrong about that, too.

was that just janet jacksons boob i just saw =O :o

I watched it on the tape we had going when my husband ran in and shouted “I think I just saw a BOOB!”

I thought the silver thing was her nipple ring and she certinly looked surprised to me!

Um, we have Tivo and it didn’t “fall out” - it was completely choreographed - Justin actually ripped part of the costume off and her boob came out (nipple covered by a gold pastie). Bleh.

I was online too, and not paying any attention to the show. Come to think of it, I always miss these must-see-TV moments… like Rob Lowe singing at the Oscars a number of years back. :smack:

So far, it hasn’t been a good year for the Jacksons.

Yeah, I saw it on TiVo too (many times) and it was totally planned. Still…I liked it! :slight_smile:
BTW, it’s already on the net. You can find a link on fark.com.

It’s a the drudge report, too.

Here you go, kids! Janet and her “girl” in all their glory. . .

I am not sure how truthful the site is, but the photo is the point, really

I can’t pull up the Fark link ATM, probably because 5K or so other people are also trying to do so.

But be advised that directly below that link is one to “Teemings Extra: If LOTR Had Been Written By Someone Else”.

Or did you already know that?

I did! It came from someone who read the link from the washington post article, down the list, where the SDMB and Teemings are mentioned.

I now hate Justin Timberlake with the fire of a thousand suns.

(Envy, what?)

Gah. I can’t imagine having my boob exposed to a 140 million people by such a less masculine, untalented, goofy looking dork.

Might as well have been Urkle.

Janet, hon. Your half time show sucked. You are over. Like your brother. Yes, you are hot. Yes, you can do the lovely dance bit, but, frankly, Kid Rock blew the rest of the gang out of the water. ( and I don’t even like him per se, but he is a homie.)

It was a totally choreographed “Hail Mary” play made by an anachronism. Had as much spontaneity as the celebrated Madonna-Britney kiss.

I’d rate it a D-cup, saline lift, no visible scarring, small aereole.

I can’t remember it ever being a good year for the Jacksons.