Japanese Porn

** This isn’t just a graphic OP about hardcore porn, so I will try to keep the descriptive phrases to a minimum. Still, there’s some of it in here. **

I’m in Japan. Flying back today, actually, to the U.S. I spent some time, as one is wont to do when in the mood, viewing some adult fare on the hotel’s pay channels.

Genitalia is digitized out ! At first I thought, okay that’s bullshit. After watching for a while, I had to either change the channel or pay attention to other things. Things like how the actors ( such as they are ) relate. How professionally or amateurishly the thing is shot. How slick is it? How cheaply done? I wonder- is this a function of it being available in a hotel opposed to on a DVD? Is all porn produced here similarly digitized?

There is an immense amount of rear-entry sex opposed to what one sees in American porn ( read: San Fernando Valley-produced porn ). There is also a fair amount of creativity and humor which is almost completely absent in American porn. There are layers. Here are two examples. ( Both quite different in tone )

  1. A woman’s husband leaves for work. She bathes in the shower then dresses in street clothes again. She glances out the window several times. She’s anticipating something. What could it be ??? ( I know. Like many of you, by the time she’d gently toweled off her digitized hoo-hah and re-clad herself, I was intently hanging on every glance and gesture. Such is the stuff of great performance. ) She takes a basket of wet laundry and walks down the hallway and out onto the small second floor balcony. She’s hanging laundry in a porn movie! She glances down onto the rain-slicked street. She keeps hanging laundry. When will he arrive? When will he come? ( :smiley: ) The tension is built as she clips the laundry up on the small turning rack.

A large white panel truck pulls up, and a man gets out. He appears to be in his late 30’s or early 40’s. Balding. He RUNS to the back, opens the truck, grabs a FedEx type envelope ( no logo is shown ) and runs in. We are looking down past her hip as this happens. This happens in real time and happens quickly. He RUNS into the building.

She smiles, delighted. Puts down her laundry, goes to the door. We see him dart from the elevator to her apartment door. She lets him in and incredibly hot frantic kissing ensues. Within seconds he has yanked off his trousers, turned her and slipped into her from behind. I mean, the guy hit the hallway trotting, got into the door and in less than 20 second was fucking this gal. She was clutching the small table in the hallway for dear life. They collapsed onto the floor, kept at it, it was over in what? 90 seconds? He stood, yanked his clothing back on and then without a wink or a smirk did something that was unexpected and very funny.

He handed her the delivery package. She signed the sheet. He very carefully tore the top panel off, folded it as they both panted in post-coital elation and tucked it into his pocket. Then toweled down ( the guy- he has a white hand towel around his NECK as he hops out of the truck. Smart ! ). She smiles. He grabs her, kisses her frantically and trots out. We see her back on the balcony, see him hop into the truck and drive away.

The coup de grace? This is repeated in the next sequence with another woman !!. Same guy, same truck. Small cardboard box this time. Same ritual of the guy taking off at a trop from the truck to get into the apartment building. Hot squirmy quick sex near the doorway. The woman is interrupted while feeding hot soup and tea to a very elderly man who is laying on the floor in bed. Old man? Infirmed? In a porn movie? Unheard of, and yet it immediately created the subtext of " This is a real person. This is a real life. We all have elderly family. This is what could happen to YOU. " Entirely different from anything I’ve seen. In fact, this second “story” starts with the woman, perhaps a granddaughter and the elderly man.

Similar rapid encounter. She also signs for the box. He doesn’t shove the paper into his pocket. He actually takes a second and precisely folds it up.

I was mesmerized. Not just because it was hot sex but because since I couldn’t just stare at the body parts ( male= visually driven, right? ). I had to focus on the rest of the video.

  1. At the other end of the scale was the second video. This was a more straightforward seduction but with a really fascinating twist. The young woman was seduced by two men. Was was perhaps 25-30. The other was at least 60. The twist was that they were both into finger sucking and toe sucking. This resulted in uncontrollable tickling and laughter on the woman’s part. They would not cease, no matter how much she thrashed around. She wasn’t restrained by anything but their hands and they were not being obviously abusive- they just kept seducing her by mostly sucking her feet and hands. This isn’t my brand of kink but it made me think a LOT about submissiveness, how women are treated here in general and control. She was laughing because she had no choice and after a little bit it actually became insanely uncomfortable to watch. ( At this point I swiched to CNN Español and watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade huge floating balloons move with an unpornographic languor ). Although one got the feeling that if she got so tickled that she got angry and lashed out, out of “character”, they would have not kept going, it was still quite weird.

These are little films in the ways that perhaps much older porn are little films. I mean, I’ve seen Debbie Does Dallas and The Story of O. Personally, I found The Story of O to be one smoking film, but that was a full-length movie. Lacking anything but the most flimsy of premise, there is no subtext or subtlety in American porn. At least, mainstream porn. No humor, surely.

I’m not sure I’d want to view adult content videos with digitized genitalia for the rest of my life but I have to admit, there were a lot of interesting and FUN and erotic things about what I viewed. It ain’t Kurosawa. It was markedly different. Really cool in a way. I’m no sociologist, just a white boy from Philly, so I dare not comment upon the sociological foundations of how and why porn is different here. Anyone have some insight into this?


Funny how they blur it out in the act of coitus but have no taboo in showing it when there are alien tentacles coming out. Or should I say, when fecal matter is going in. Er, suffice it to say, they put disgusting things in places they don’t belong and seem to have no problem showing that in graphic detail.

The irony of their taboos and perversions is really something.

My understanding is that all genitals are always pixeled out in Japan, even in Playboy or other tame nudity. It has nothing to do with porn per se.

I always thought that in Japan it wasn’t genitalia that is blocked out so much as pubic hair.

Perhaps I was wrong.

For women, blocking out public hair necessarily covers the genitalia. Are you saying that penises and shaved pudenda can be shown? Can you provide a cite?

In terms of humor or lack thereof, I agree that porn of the last six or seven years is tremendously lacking. Free internet porn in particular wallows in cold uniformity. Relatively buff guys with exceptionally large penises and crappy goatees exchange ten or twelve words with women of varying degrees of attractiveness who, in order, then 1) give a wimpy blowjob/HANDJOB, 2) moan unconvincingly during vaginal intercourse and 3) grunt and moan in pain during anal intercourse. The guys, meanwhile, are generally sweating buckets and saying moronic, unerotic and generally demeaning things. Obviously that doesn’t describe ALL webporn and there are many small variations to the list. I’d bet that 15 minutes browsing most free sites would deliver on those conventions, though.

Some American porn of the 70’s and 80’s, cheesy as it was, was much more lighthearted and fun to watch. The acting was just as bad, the lines were bad and the premises on which many scenes were based were awful, but the people doing it looked like they were having fun. Y’know, actually enjoying themselves, as opposed to the hold-her-nose-and-throatfuck-her-until-she-gags trash that’s so pervasive now. Commercial smut has become downright creepy over the past few years.

The old Ron Jeremy & Co. movies from back in the day were fun, often silly and always raunchy. Non-leading females were objectified and depersonalized, but it didn’t cross over into the eerie area of abuse and depravity. No donkeypunches, no forced gagging, no felching or pumping semen into a glass and drinking it. Ugh.

Twenty years ago, when I lived in Japan, all pubic hair was blurred out. (EDIT: It was blurred out of photos and movies. Not real life, as far as I know.) If you bought a Penthouse or Playboy magazine, you would find that someone, presumably a Japanese customs officer, had gone through the magazine and scratched out the women’s pubic hair/genitals by hand in every single photo. It looked as though they used something like a stiff wire brush to scrath out the photo.

Pornographic movies, in the limited experience I had with them at the time, were similarly edited. I remember one, an American film, in which a woman was performing vigorous oral sex on her “professor.” (He kept agreeing to raise her grade incrementally as she kept going, until at the moment of climax he shouted, “A-PLUS! A-PLUS! A-PLUS!”) Anyway, the video had been somehow edited so that it didn’t show the man’s genitals. Many shots were from behind the woman (who was clothed). There were a lot of shots of the man’s face, too. And if a shot were from the side, there would conveniently be a tree limb or some such blocking our voyeur’s-eye view of the action. It seemed strange, because anyone watching this presumably knew exactly what was going on.

It’s the law in Japan. Genitalia being blurred I mean. There is a big black market for unblurred (usually western) porn there. IDK why it’s the law, just that it is.

{Subscribing just because this sounds so weird}

In Japanese-made softcore (photos and video), pubic hair now seems to be acceptable. The rules on genitalia are still pretty strict, but the filmmakers now can use computer-made filters that only barely obscure what’s underneath. The censoring may be the reason that shaving doesn’t seem to have caught on here like it has in western porn/erotica.

The censoring of Western porn seems to be much more clumsily done. You never see Japanese magazines with scratch marks around the models’ crotches, or videos with huge obtrusive blots across part of the screen. It’s especially bothersome when it’s in a non-erotic context, such as the dead bodies in Apocalypse Now: Sheen and his men are floating up river to find Kurtz, and suddenly there’s a neon orange spot halfway up one of the trees.

By the way, the mosaic industry is hiring (work-safe).

Why on earth would anyone want to watch porn that had the good bits blurred out? Seems ridiculous to me.

Co-ed Fever.

I’m amazed to hear that Japanese porn still uses a plot line.

What a waste of film, tape, hard drive or whatever.

They claim that the girls are clean shaven in hentai for this very reason. Of course most bluenoses claim that the girls are portrayed this way to make them seem like their under 18. YMMV.

Japanese porn is the most unerotic crap you’ll ever watch. Last one I watched, a TV anchorwoman read the news while a dozen guys strolled up and ejaculated on her face. Wow, that’s hot.

You can only go so long before you ask yourself why the countries that lost World War II have such disturbing pornography. I think I have the answer.

I recently watched a Japanese porn scene that contained one of the funniest dialog exchanges I’ve heard. At the beginning of the scene, the man is talking to his girlfriend on the street (this was all subtitled):

Guy: “Let’s go eat some sushi!”
Girl: “I’d rather eat your dick!”
Guy: “You can have as many as you want.”

The actual sex scene involved a dildo mounted on an electric drill, which was somewhat amusing, but got boring fairly quickly.

Can someone explain to me how any of this is supposed to be sexually stimulating? I mean the whole point of porn is that it contains sexually explicit material and things you don’t see in mainstream media. How can you create something sexually stimulating without any real sex in it???

From Wikipedia:

The Wikipedia article linked above explains a lot of this.

Since I started this, I’ll be glad to. I found the humor and slightly more realistic life scenes to be refreshing. Not more erotic. Just fun and refreshing.

Now that is funny! :smiley: