Netscape browser works fine but with IE and Firefox pages do not display right. The page backgrounds are white instead of the color designatd by the designer and also certain windows and things don’t work. For IE or FF in the Java Console it says things like “Error: Unknown property ‘scrollbar-3dlight-color’. Declaration dropped.”
I love to design websites and one thing you have to realize not all javascripts or DHTML scripts necessarily work on all browsers
I have found netscape to be the most forgiving of errors of javascript, while Opera, is the most stringent. IE and Firefox (which like Netscape is Mozilla bases) are in between
IE has a lot of proprietary javascript that I found just won’t work elsewhere. But IE currently has about 90% of the share of the browser market
Here is a site with good premade javascripts and a forum to ask questions
In the newer builds of Firefox (1.5 and higher, I think), it also detects errors in your style sheets.
Would be a style sheet rule that changes the properties of the scroll bars on a page. This is something that FF, to the best of my knowledge, does not support. It has no bearing on the background color of the page.
If there are also javascript errors in the page, it will trigger the JS error log in IE as well, but this style rule has nothing to do with it, on the surface.
I cannot offer more help until I see what else is happening, and what is MEANT to be happening.
One guess would be that you’re either using JS to load css properties for the BODY element, and the scrollbar properties (not supported in anything but IE) are tripping up the script and NONE of the body element style is being rendered…
OR…NS is being really crappity and not rendering the body style just because there’s some properties it doesn’t agree with. I’ve never experienced this before but I haven’t tested sites on the very latest versions of NS, I usually use 6 to test and the latest (8?) might be different.
I’ve always been under the impression that browsers will just ignore properties they don’t recognize, but if you’re trying to load properties using JS then this sort of thing could occur.
Try putting the style inline (<body style=“background-color: red; etc etc etc”>) and see if that works in NS. Then if it does, move it out of the body tag and into a style block on the page. If that works then move it up to an external css file and see if THAT works.
Or you can try setting the body bg color inline (<body bgcolor=red>) and then creating a class with your scrollbar colors and assigning the class to the body (<body bgcolor=red class=bodyClass>)
You may also want to try some Browser Detection and have different style sheets for different browsers.