On the Tonight Show, does Jay Leno read “cue cards” or a teleprompter for his monologue?
Since Jay Leno is on a stage far from the camera, my guess would be cue cards. Teleprompters are easier if you are looking directly into the camera and the camera is close, such as a news anchor. (Also the teleprompter helps the news anchor to regulate the pace of his speech, not necessary with a comedic monologue.)
Been to a taping.
Cue cards.
Cue cards. They will show them and the cue card guy every once in a while. Does anyone know if Kevin Ewbanks stupid comments are ad-libbed or scripted?
I’m pretty sure they are, because I read an interview once in Parade (I think) and they asked him if he gets tired or stressed by being put on the spot so often, and he said he didn’t really mind, it was part of the job. Besides, you’d think that if he had any more than 30 seconds of preparation, his comments would be a lot better.
It’s Euanks. I have a friend by the exact same name. Before Jay even had The Tonight Show, my friend had Eubanks’ album just as a goof, since the cover looked nothing like a short white guy with long hair.
You’d think I’d proofread a post in which I pick on other people’s spelling.
Yup, it’s cue cards, though he does “deviate” from what’s written (he throws in his own flavorings). Some reparte’ between the two is scripted, but most of it is improv. Someone who’s good at improv can probably spot the parts where they’re making it up as they go.]
And Warmgun, I got you one better… not only did I go to a taping, I managed to catch one of the stuffed Tonight Show hippos that they throw into the audience between commercials. I named him Eddie Norton Jr. (Mr. Norton being the guest that I went to see that day).