jayburner and upstatic, time to get a clue.

Dear jayburner,


Have you notced that just about all of your weak-ass GQ threads have been bumped to MPSIMS or GD?

This is because they have either been discussed to death in GD (Is there a beginning of time?, Who was GOD’s father?, What came before GOD…if one is to believe there is GOD) or are just mind-bogglingly inane (Who’s hotter… Monica, Rachael, or Phoebe?Timber Wolf vs. Pitbull Tiger vs. Grizzly Bear and of course Whats the stupidest question ever asked?

It was cute at first, and maybe you could have claimed ignorance after the first couple of threads. But it’s time to get the hint and realize that while inane posts make up a huge portion of the total SDMB posts, GQ is not the place to put them.

At least show some courtesy by reading the boards before posting your brain stumping debates. Or maybe try paying attention to the forum descriptions.

Stop pissing on the SDMB, rookie.
Dear upstatic,

OK. We get the joke.

Libertarian starts a lot of threads with “Ethics of…” But you when you pummel the dead horse by starting half a dozen “Ethics of…” threads in GD, we all realize that your sense of humor is rudimentary and tiresome.

Ha ha. The joke’s over, junior.

Stop pissing on the SDMB.

Gypsy: Tom, I don’t get you.
Tom Servo: Nobody does. I’m the wind, baby.

upstatic: what Alphagene said.

Lib’s threads were part of an attempt at compromise with some of his fellow posters, to try to show some consideration for them. You’re just being a nuisance.

Check out upstatic’s response.

CENSORSHIP!? hahahahaha


“rookie” as if there is some kudos to be gained by being a “veteran”. I suppose you wear those 1000+ posts with pride.

TheInsaneSausagesucker said:

I don’t really think that was the point, pally. IT ain’t a matter of how many posts one has, it’s a matter of knowing how to post without being completely annoying. Jayburner has been trolling like mad, posting some truly inane stuff, but 'gene is giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he’s just not figured out how to be a nice person. Pretty friendly when you look at it that way.


Yeesh Louie, I hadn’t seen that one yet. Thanks for the link. Yo upstatic - knock it off. Lib’s threads came out of a discussion between him and the rest of us. A conversation that HE REPRINTED FOR YOU in one of the threads you started. As always, if you don’t like the thread, then why click on it?

And MadHun? Shaddup, rookie. No, post counts don’t matter. These two have proven themselves rookies by their actions, not by postcount.

Winner, SDMB’s Biggest Chat Addict

“Only two things that’ll soothe my soul - cold beer and remote control.”

Dammit, andros snuck in a better post while I was typing mine! Teach me to type faster…

why am I being flamed…I just don’t get it…I thought this place was about fun… :frowning:

It is about fun, klutz.

It’s not about being a pain in the ass.

Grownups know the difference.

As with anything, jayburner, it’s fun for everyone when you play by the rules. In this case, the rules are less formalized, but there is a certain etiquette (rules) that it’s helpful to follow. You won’t have much fun when people are flaming you left and right because you’ve annoyed them by, oh, starting a zillion silly threads in inappropriate places, for example.

Aw, Allah on a poptart, I sound like my parents . . .


I’m starting to realize that…I will remember the appropriate forums this time…sorry to cause any grief…and I didn’t mean to offend your sensibilities Gene

Now if only Upstart, um … I mean Upstatic will catch on.

" The opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s indifference."
Elie Wiesel

Winner SDMB Biggest Flirt (Female) and Least Shy (No Mom, I have no idea why they think that)

andros put it more elegantly than I could have, but I’d like to repeat that is obviously not about more posts being better. If anything, posting too much is the problem here. I know that in my first week as a registered board member I didn’t post nearly as much as either of these two.

jay, the other way to see it is that it is kind of a pain for a moderator to have to constantly bump threads to another forum. Now if a thread was posted accidentally in the wrong forum, or if a thread has evolved into something beyond the scope of GQ, then moving it is just something that needs to be done. But your frequent disregard for the concept of GQ makes moving these threads very tedious, I’d imagine.

Your posts themselves are not offensive to me, jay. Once you pay attention to the forum requirements and post appropriately, I’ll be thrilled to see you a new contributor to the SDMB and we’ll all move on with our lives.

Trust me, I’d much rather pick on Gabriel.

Gypsy: Tom, I don’t get you.
Tom Servo: Nobody does. I’m the wind, baby.


jayburner’s latest attempt at fun.

When all else fails, ask Cecil.

{{jay, the other way to see it is that it is kind of a pain for a moderator to have to constantly bump threads to another forum. Now if a thread was posted accidentally in the wrong forum, or if a thread has evolved into something beyond the scope of GQ, then moving it is just something that needs to be done. But your frequent disregard for the concept of GQ makes moving these threads very tedious, I’d imagine.}}

Tedious is not the word for it. Goddamn royal pain in the ass is closer to my exact feelings about moving threads, though of course I can’t speak for the other moderators.

Editing posts is even worse, particularly if there’s any sort of coding (HTML or UBB) involved). Deleting posts on a short thread isn’t too bad, though it takes too long, but looking for posts on a long thread is a pain, too.


If it’s helpful, I’ll compare everyone to Hitler so we can get this
over with as soon as possible.

jayburner: from jay-burner, “joint-burner”. A stoner, forgetful of details and unable to correctly operate complicated machinery.

upstatic: ? poss. deriv. “upstat”, a Cult of $cientology term meaning “good, improving” (from “up-statistics”, a sales and marketing term). (See the $cientology glossary for their emphasis and fixation on “Ethics” aka “proper procedures” www.xenu.net .)

I’m a loner, Dottie … a rebel.

okay Lynn…I hear ya, it won’t happen again…and the definition above is correct

I thought upstatic’s little run in GD was pretty god damn funny.

How 'bout we sing ‘Kyle’s mom is a stupid bitch’ in D minor?