JD Vance Discussion Thread

I just want to know if he can dance.

As the child of an abusive marriage, JD Vance can kiss my entire ass.

The latter probably has to do with the yelling about Pokemon thing (too lazy to find link).

CouchBoy was in La Jolla. It was warm. He jumped in the pool

wearing his shirt?

Is he afraid that someone might see his nipples? Or, worse, lack thereof?

Fuck La Jolla. La Jolla Country Day (Tucker Carlson’s alma mater) was my high school’s quiz bowl rival and they were all ringers, I swear it.

but, it was where the home base for Ken Kesey and “Furthur” was

It’s also where Mitt Romney and his car elevator live. And at least one of the Waltons.

Go to PB instead. It has a roller coaster and bumper cars. :slight_smile:

I read it. At first I was relieved that he was fighting the pat answers to generational poverty like, “Get a job.” But at the end of the book, he seemed to essentially be speaking in pat platitudes, i.e., “get a job.” It’s been a while since I read it, but I don’t recall him saying anything about leaving the law practice that hired him so he could become a venture capitalist. I suppose that would have wrecked the “Just an American Dreamer, working hard to reach his goals” narrative if he’d confessed he jumped ship almost immediately to rake in filthy lucre.

It should have been called Hillbilly Opportunist.

I started to watch the movie, but it was Hallmark Movie awful, so I didn’t get very far.

Didn’t read the book so we decided to watch the movie to see what this guy is about, and you nailed it. We watched 20’ish minutes and couldn’t take any more. The 6.7 it gets on IMDB is 100% bullshit.

Hmmm…I wouldn’t call them fighting words, but as native La Jollan (born at the original Scripps Clinic and lived on the edge of La Jolla Canyon for many years) I must express a certain amount of umbrage to that remark.

Hey, I wear a rash guard when I go swimming as sun protection (dermatologist recommended, as I have a history of skin cancer). JD may or may not have the same issue, who knows? (But go ahead and make fun of him, I don’t mind :smile:)

When I take another look at that picture of CouchBoy in the pool, I see that he has a look of concentration on his face that tells me, I do not want to go in that pool.

Okay, that’s funny.

Maybe. But I’m betting it’s because he doesn’t want anyone posting a photo of his shirtless torso.

Maybe a politically incorrect tattoo?

I hope Opie doesn’t read this, I’m sure he put his whole heart into it.

Yeah, it wasn’t up to his usual work. I’m sure Paw would forgive him, but now that Vance is running for Veep, I’m not sure he’ll forgive himself.

Ron Howard has publicly declared that he will not vote for Trump, so there’s that.

Oh dear.

So the press is the enemy, professors are the enemy. And I guess he admires Nixon. The group applauds.

He probably kept his shirt on so his flabby torso would stay hidden.

People are saying he’s a nevernude with torso issues.