Jeb requests DA probe of M. Schiavo

As long as nobody gets strangled over the phone, it should work out fine.

“I find your presence of intelligence… disturbing.”

The only thing Jeb Bush should be saying to Michael Schiavo is, “I’m sorry I interfered in your personal decision. You were right; Terri’s brain was smaller than even my brother’s. I’m a total tool.”

My question is, will an act like this, grown out of sheer spite from a sore loser, backfire on ol’ Jeb? Do people really approve of this kind of vindictive, time and money wasting behavior from an elected official? Will a stunt like this actually help catapult him into the White House, or are most regular folks sickened by it? My dad is a Republican and he thinks the whole thing is a totally ridiculous waste of time. I’m hoping that’s the majority view, but I really don’t know.

“The Constitution is no match for the power of the Culture of Life.”

Everything I’ve seen says that even people who believed that Terri had a brain were appalled by the crap Jeb and others pulled. So if Jeb thinks that this’ll help him win the White House, he’s mistaken. (Now, if we can keep the Dem candidate from shooting his/her own foot off during the campaign, we’ve got a shot.)

No, but he can send you some devil’s food cake.


Seems like a fine young fellow. Actually gave me some brownies.

Oh god. There are nuts in them


He really is evil. Curse you Ned Flanders!!

What is the statute of limitations on assault? Surely 15 years is outside it?

As far as I understand it, for it to be considered murder the victim would have to die within 1 year of the original assault. TS didn’t.

So…even if MS was found to have done something, what exactly could he be charged with?

Besides the absolute mean spiritedness of this nonsense, this is literally insane. An “elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top” type decision. This really has to be the most wildly stupid recent idea by a state government official since CA’s bullet serial numbering scheme.

I keep hoping the backlash will be strong enough to destroy Jeb’s career once and for all. Still waiting.

There is no way that Terri was down for 40 minutes or 70 minutes before he called, at least not in the state in which they found her (which was at least 15 or 20 minutes after he called). That’s not compatible with life, not even in the awful state Terri was left in. There is no juice in this orange, and Jeb can’t not know that.

The only thing Jeb is trying to do here is deflect attention away from the autopsy report.

And for fuck sake, the only “evidence” they have that she had in fact collapsed 40 or 70 minutes earlier was from what Mark Shaivo told them. What’s more likely, that he got confused about the time (or very likely wasn’t paying any attetion to it at the time) or that he assaulted her, sat around for an hour, called and told them he had just found her this minute, but then testified to the real time of the assault?

And yet Jeb is taking about “40-70 minutes” like it was an established fact :rolleyes:

Well, it’s the closest the “Culture of Life” people have gotten to a fact since this whole thing started. When they insist on standing 50 yards away while examining it just in case it infects their worldview, you have to expect some inaccuracies…

Abso-fucking-lutely! Any other topic would bring an apology from the OP and a closure of the duplicate thread, but since this is Bush-bashing, any Bush will do, the OP soldiers on, and the Mods turn a blind eye. Thanks for an even standard. :rolleyes:

really? the other threads had long since dropped off the front page. I don’t recall that mods generally don’t allow new threads on topics covered. if that were the case, we’d only have had one on gitmo for example (I heard we had one)

For one thing, I hold that the reason I mentioned earlier is a good reason why this deserves it’s own thread. For another thing, have you noticed that there have been no posts by mods yet? Perhaps they will close this thread, despite the fact that Jeb is indeed a jerk, once they notice it.

What makes you scream double standard so loud? The “let’s not bash Jeb” crowd has nothing going for it, save for the fact that people (besides myself) are growing tired of this topic. It is not like people’s posts here are anymore then a fraction of the number of the “lets’ bash Michael” news articles in real life.

It’s the blatant duplicity which is grating. To be plainly honest, I think Jeb is a jerk for his pursuit, but that point has already been expressed by others, in previous threads, and resurrecting the topic, ad nauseum does nothing to further the point.

Somehow, the right-haters feel delinquent when the front page isn’t papered wall-to-wall with threads promoting their bile. Get. Over. It. Speak your piece, let those who support that thought and those who disagree hash it out, when when it’s run it’s course, let it fucking die, already.

It’s still in the headlines worldwide. Google News lists over 100 different articles all released over the last few days. Why should the topic be forbidden here?

Never did I suggest that a subject be forbidden. When a thread on a topic has been started and after time fails to sustain presence on the front page, allowing for bumps prior to becoming stale, it’s reasonable to let it pass into the archives.

I object to new threads which resurrect the same old stuff, without offering new points for consideration or otherwise giving light to a new view on an extant issue.

Dopers think Jeb is an ass for delving into Terri once again. I agree, again. We’ve fought ignorance, how? :confused:


The poor, poor conservatives. They keep getting their faces rubbed in it. Must be uncomfortable.

But, damn! What a colossal ass Jeb is!