I can’t believe an entire year has passed since our annual Jeremy Irons day.
Ok, I’ll start:
Jeremy Irons.
I can’t believe an entire year has passed since our annual Jeremy Irons day.
Ok, I’ll start:
Jeremy Irons.
Nicholas Sparks
Elizabeth Banks
John Waters
Tom Waits
That neanderthal guy who was in the Name of the Rose and Hellboy.
Whtsis name.
Ron Perlman? No.
Amanda Pays
Tom Smothers.
George Burns
Claude Rains
Jim Nabors. (Okay, the spelling’s off, but it works.)
Axl Rose
John Hawkes.
Guy Fawkes.
Fawkes already has his own day!
<—is out of the loop so that seemed the only safe answer.
Alicia Keys
John Heard