Jesus Bricker, you just can't stop, can you?

You are physically incapable of getting the fuck out of your own way, aren’t you? Bad enough you are The Official Legal Voice Of All Of The Americas No Matter What The Jurisdiction.

Now you feel the need to come sailing into a threat in G.Q. that has nothing to do with the Law and pronounce a poster to be wrong.

You were wrong, fucknugget- and yet despite the monicker, " Straight Dope Scientific Advisory Board" you’ve got hanging beneath your name, you don’t have the stones to come back in and say, " Thank you, Chronos. I was completely and utterly wrong and in fact had not one fucking idea what I was talking about, but it had been almost seven minutes since I’d told a Doper he/ she was utterly wrong and I was really starting to sweat. So, I came in here and posted the following":

The fact that you posted your pussy little snark at 3:24pm and at 5:26 pm The Controvert said

didn’t matter to you. You know better than NASA and it must be high time that we at the Straight Dope accept this. We actually owe you a trememdous debt for being much better informed than NASA on this and many other points.

Nor, sadly, did it matter that a colleague of yours on SDSAB posted in quite intelligently at 6:36 pm on the same day, utterly refuting your ignorant slam that was without merit.

Do we see you coming back in to thank Chronos for correcting your IGNORANT STATEMENT ? No. Of course not. That’s for the commoners. You’re Bricker, and by god you know just what the fuck you are talking about and how dare anyone second-guess your brilliant missives?

You spineless cocksucker, go back in there and in plain English ( which we all know is a mighty stretch for you since it precludes the contortions and qualifiers that are the backbone of every legal issue related post you write ) thank Chronos and hey - try apologizing for being a snarky fuck to Controvert.

Your answer was insulting, snarky, unwarranted, UN-SCIENTIFIC and- dare we say- highly UNADVISABLE, since it did nothing to further the intelligent conversation. You did a drive-by thread-shitting.

Normal Dopers would be warned for this kind of thread-shitting. We all know that you are exempt from such lowly rules and that’s just great. It leaves you free to thread-shit on lots of other Dopers in the future, just as you have in this case.

How about being a real man and going back in there and apologizing?


Bricker has a bad habit of failing to acknowledge his mistakes. I don’t suppose he has to do much of that in the legal profession. After all, if a lawyer makes a bad argument the judge will just rule against it. The lawyer doesn’t need to say “sorry for making such a crappy argument judge. I needed to come up with SOME sort of argument… I gotta represent my client… you know how it goes.”

So the man was wrong. I’ve been wrong. About things that were in my direct specialty. (For some reason, I thought Daredevil had about 1 ton lift superstrength. Possibly because of the swinging issue.)

Hardly worth pitting him over.

Had a bit too much coffee this morning, Cartooniverse?

You forgot to mention that he is also a “vacuous, coffee-nosed, malodorous pervert.”

Yeah, i’m not understanding the level of hate that seems to be at play here*. So he was wrong, and he hasn’t yet give up a mea culpa (really, apologised? Just a “Whoops, my mistake, you’re right” would suffice). I don’t think he was threadshitting, since that would involve mens rea; i’m sure he honestly thought he was right and was being helpful, if with a very small amount of snark. “Normal” Dopers certainly wouldn’t be warned for it, or, at least, i’ve never seen someone warned for accidentally giving a wrong answer in GD, snark or no snark.

*And this is from a person that doesn’t like him that much, totally through my reasons rather than because of him, I admit.

Chill the fuck out, nutcase. Bricker hasn’t been online since he posted in that thread so he’s probably just too busy to worry about mundane shit like this, as you should be.

Which is not nearly as funny as “toffee-nosed”, for some reason.

Are we individually pitting posters every time someone gives a wrong answer in GQ?

Because the sun is eventually going to collapse into a red dwarf, leaving the Earth cold and lifeless. You might want to factor that time limit into your planning.

Can I still make plans for August 2nd?

Maybe I’m just misunderstanding, but I don’t see that Bricker and Chronos are saying such radically different things to warrant such venom.

Bricker said:

Chronos said:

The concept of absorbtion and re-emission sounds to me, as a non-scientist, like what Bricker said: the photons we see were the ones re-emitted at the surfce of the Sun, about 8 minutes ago. Chronos knows way more about the technical aspects of this sort of thing than most of us, but to my non-scientist mind, I don’t see that he and Bricker are so far apart - certainly not so far apart to warrant a pitting…

You’re the “friendly dogs are satan’s minions” guy, right? This is up there.

I don’t get the same idea from Bricker’s post that you do. He doesn’t mention “re-emitting from the surface” - he suggests that they are created, and bang, off they go out into space. He specifically says there are no “old” photons in the Sun. Chronos, OTOH, seems to be saying that while photons do get re-emitted instantly, it’s not necessaily out into space - it could be further into the Sun, to the side, or even outwards without then fully getting out. But i’m not a scientist either.

Yeah, over-react much? Not that I think you were wrong to open the thread, because he was wrong and didn’t acknowledge it. But your rant reminds me of the bad old days of 1999, when if you questioned a mod’s decision people would jump all over you for being a whiny little bitch.

Yeah, that was going to be my observation also.

If you ever accuse someone of failing to respond to a particular argument, or failing to return to a particular thread, it behooves you to check whether they’ve actually been online during the intervening time period. Strange as it might seem to some people, not everyone spends every waking moment reading the Dope.

Well, that’s just crazy talk.

Wow. I’ve seen Bricker post some stuff that I thought was pretty dickish, the the post linked in the OP is not some of it.

Seriously - you need to get your hair trigger checked.

I know I’m surfing a different wave here but…
Actually, as the Sun dies, its will expand to roughly the size of the Earth’s orbit, before collapsing into a red dwarf.
The good news, during this event the sunrises and sunsets will be specticular. The bad news, we will have to wait something like 5 billions years to see this.
::excuse me now, I’m leaving::

The OP may be an over-reaction (I have seen this complaint about Bricker before, maybe it just hit some tipping point) but you don’t seem correct about the “just too busy”. Bricker posted at 3:30 my time, Chronos corrected him at 6:30 and Bricker’s “last activity” is at 10:30 pm. What do you and mhendo see?

Is that really Bricker’s first name?