Jesus Fucking Christ. A NJ toll collector can earn $31.58 an hour?!?!?

holy shit. Just reading that makes me want to fly out to Wisconsin and pat Scott Walker on the back. That is just fucking insane.

Just think about this for a minute. 32 bucks an hour to collect a ticket, stick it in a machine, ask for a sum, receive said sum, and maybe make change.

What proportion of toll collectors make it to the top pay grade, do you suppose?

probably all of them. I seriously, seriously doubt the job has a merit-based payscale.

Probably has a time-in-service payscale, though.

yes, which coupled with presumably strong union protections as to job tenure, would ensure that all of them would be given the opportunity to max out their hourly wage.

breathing all that vehicle exhaust.

Frankly, should I care how long you’ve been doing that nonskilled job after a certain point? I have a masters’ degree. I make about 42,000 a year and with the budget as it is do not see a raise in the near future.

From this page.

And you worry about the wages of the toll takers? Very small drop in a very large bucket.

I’m not so sure why you think debt financing activities for construction projects are relevant :rolleyes:

The agency runs massive surpluses yet still needs to obtain credit to fund infrastructure. As does any business.

What a crisis that some working class jobs can keep a family out of poverty, at least for now.

You left out “make change for literally hundreds of motorists per day, all in seconds so no 1 gets pissed off and shoots me since I’m trapped in a little room with tons of steel whizzing past me all day while I breath exhaust fumes.”

Hey, the money is good. If you think that’s a better job than whatever it is you do for money now, go apply. Go get that job. You won’t be fighting me for it, at least.

Doing an unfailingly repetetive job for hours on end and dealing with all the assholes allowed to drive vehicles? Hell, sounds fair enough to me.

And if they run massive surpluses, why can’t some of it go to the workers?

And that debt gets paid back through tolls. Bitching that someone at the low end of the job totem pole is making a decent wage is petty.

looks like a good place to install automated toll booths.

What’s insane is that it doesn’t make you want to go apply for the job.

Seriously. 32 bucks an hour to collect a ticket, stick it in a machine, ask for a sum, receive said sum, and maybe make change. Sweet.

Why wouldn’t you want it?

Then why not apply for one of those toll collector jobs? With enough applicants, they might not feel the need to pay so much. You know how much a garbageman makes? A sewer worker?

A lot of them (maybe even most) are automated. The NJ turnpike was probably one of the first places to get EZPASS.

$31 per hour for a toll collector and they go after the classroom teachers? Isn’t that like looking for a lost wallet under the light rather than in the alley it was lost?

My Dad was a toll collector for a brief period during the '70’s recession (despite having a degree in chemical engineering). He said it was the worst job he’d ever had-- worse than the stint involving roofing tar. It’s broiling in the summer, freezing in the winter, surprisingly filthy, full of assholes and mind-numbingly boring. It’s 8 hours alone in a box on a highway, where you get to play chicken with cars every time you want to piss. The money was good, but he jumped at the first job he could get to get away from it. I got the impression it’s kind of like garbage collection-- it’s an unpleasant job with no other redeeming qualities, paying people well is the only way to keep it staffed, assuming you don’t want call-center turn over. (And because it involves money, you can’t go to the other solution for “staffing jobs that suck”, illegal immigrants)

While I agree with other posters it is a shit job $60,000/year (roughly) seems excessive.

I am all for a living wage but frankly half that would seem generous.