Jews and the slave trade

I was talking to a friend of a friend yesterday and he said that Jews were heavily involved in the transatlantic slave trade. What’s the truth guys?

Well this certainly isn’t a bereft of ulterior motive, inflammatory post at all.

The truth is that your FoaF is absolutely wrong.



As the OP was posted as a straightforward question without any emotionally laden phrases or off the wall accusations, I see no reason to be suspicious of motives and I see no reason to post a commentary on the OP without actually providing any information of substance.

Let us have everyone address the substance of the post and leavce the commentary out of it.

[ /Modding ]

It’s not inflammatory - I have no issues with Jews at all. Actually when this guy said it to me, I said it sounds like bullshit to me.

I thought I’d ask here cos there’s so many smart people here

BTW, this is Faber’s book on Googlebooks. Likewise, Friedmans Jews and the slave trade.

In short the notion that Jews were somehow major (or central) players in the slave trade is an urban legend repeated by some and something much darker when used by vile creatures like Farrakhan (or “jewwatch” or stormfront, or what have you).

Apologies, it just struck me as trollish at the time. Or at least more suited for GQ.

(And I’d PM this to you but it looks like yours is disabled? Apologies to tom for more offtopica.)

The slave trade required heavy financing and given the prominent role of the British in the slave trade, Barclays bank comes to mind.

Keep in mind that the slave trade depended on returning cargo from the new world, so how a British financial institution could avoid involvement with the slave trade while financing other Atlantic trade of the time seems rather suspect.

So how were Jews involved in the trade?

Well, with a Barclay founding partner by the name of Gould, and partners added in the 18th century by the name of Bevan and Bening, I’d say that Jews were involved in the slave trade.

What all this means, I don’t know. How critical was money controlled by Jews to the slave trade, I don’t know as well.

But I don’t think we can dismiss Jewish involvement as financiers in the slave trade either.

While some Jews were investors in certain ventures, they certainly weren’t critical investors in general.

It hasn’t been dismissed, it’s been pointed out that Jewish involvement with the slave trade was quite minor. Of course it happened, nobody’s denying that. And sure Jews invested in/were members of/etc… certain companies that traded in slaves.

This is proof of nothing. Gould is an old family name in both England and Germany that does not have any inherent connection to Judaism. Pianist Glenn Gould, for example, is not Jewish nor are any of his ancestors. Bevan is a Welsh name, meaning “son of Evan” and Bening I’m not sure about but I don’t think it is Jewish.

Son of Ening? :slight_smile:

I typed in jews slavery on Google and the second link is the google page. Most of the sites that looked like they would say Jews were very involved in slavery brings up a WOT screen. It appears that just about every book that say, 'no, Jews weren’t involved," were written by Jews.

The first link appears to be a Jewish web site and says, “yeah, they were heavily involved.”

Sometimes I get so confused by things like this I just end up saying, “'Nuke 'em all and let God sort it out.”

Damn nefarious Jewish academics!

I just read a book on the Seven Years War by a guy with a Hungarian name. He partially trashed Frederick the Great’s reputation as a brilliant leader and slightly rehabilitated the Hapsburg war effort. Sadly he did so with numerous cites and a certain degree of thoughtfulness. So much as I’d like to disregard him as an authority, I feel I can’t entirely. sigh

Look, Jews were involved in EVERY kind of trade, for almost two thousand years. Jews traded every conceivable commodity all throughout Europe and the Middle East, during Roman times, during Medieval times, during the Renaissance, and during the American Revolution. For most of their history Jews who didn’t want to starve had two options, usury and trading. This occurred from the lowest levels all the way up to the top. The golden ages of Western civilization couldn’t have occurred without Jewish merchants and Jewish moneylenders. So, of course some Jews were involved in the slave trade. They were involved in every trade. So what?

Even if Jews were involved at disproportionate levels (which I don’t know), what the fuck does it matter? That should have been the answer to your friends question, Jeff.

What’s with all the Jewish and black threads lately? (said sort of tongue-and-cheek)

Damn those Jew Books with their Jew Facts!

  1. No, it does not appear to be anything of the sort. It is a site that claims that blacks are the real descendants of ancient Israel but actual Jews are not. Among other things.
  2. No serious scholar would deny that Jews were involved, because that would be stupid. But the claim was not “Jews weren’t involved” but that Jews were’t the central/leading figures of the slave trade.

Yah, why try reading to clear up your confusion, especially all those Jew Books?
Much better to commit genocide.

As I’ve said before, all the radical Afro-centrists who blame the Jews for the slave trade should also be blaming the damn AFRICANS for the slave trade. Who captured and sold the slaves in the first place? It wasn’t John James Feathersone-Pembroke Goldberg VII, 3rd Baron Jewbergenstein - it was some African chief with skin black as pitch, who captured other Africans in some tribal war and sold them to a slave trader. Blame HIM also if you’re going to blame the Jews.

At least this was posted on Shabbat, in compliance with Zev’s Law.

Funny, I say the same about people like you.

Yep. In general, when tossing out a highly inflammatory claim (whether you believe it or not) that’s bound to be offensive to numerous people, it’s best to research it a bit beforehand to see if it’s even a debatable proposition.