Jews and the slave trade

Gould and Bevin, at least, were Quakers. Barclays developed out of an organization of gold traders on Lombard Street in London. The gold traders and money lenders of 17th century Lombard Street were almost exclusively Quaker.

Let’s assume from 1600-1860, as many as fifty Jews were heavily involved in the slave trade.
So what?

The 'Gould" name really threw me off. Elliot Gould really threw me off. He is a Jew you know. And there is a lot of "gold "in Jewish names. I didn’t know that even though many Jews bear the name “Gould”, it was a result of Anglicizing Jewish names into common English names. Thanks to checking up on Argent Towers claim.

Anyway, I’m fraught with the perception or misperception that Jews were big in the banking industry during those times because of Christian opposition to usury.

How about glod?

In the Middle Ages, sure, but the Jews had been expelled from England in 1290, and only let back in in 1655. By the 1260s, Christians had overcome their opposition to usury, and most of the big banking and money lending groups were Christian (at that point, mainly Italian…the Lombards were called “The Bankers of Kings”). There wouldn’t be any big Jewish banks until the Rothschilds of the 19th century.

It’s a German name, from the German first name Behn.

jakesteele’s comment is pretty clearly a sarcastic reference to an old movie cliche aimed at vague, off board persons. Your response looks very much like an effort to turn that into a personal insult aimed at him.

Please refrain from posting anything that could be construed as a death wish against another poster, particularly in Great Debates.

[ /Modding ]

I believe the vast majority of the slave trade from Africa to the New World was conducted and financed by the Boston Brahmin in something called the Triangle Trade. These are the same guys that started schools like Harvard. That’s right, Harvard was founded by slave trading money.

Interestingly, Lombard bankers (well, Italian bankers really - back then, if you were Italian and a moneylender, you were called a Lombard, even if you weren’t actually from Lombardia) faced a good deal of smear campaigns and persecutions over the centuries, too. When the Kings want to seize your gold, you can’t tell them “you and what army ?”.

While I’m no scholar on the subject, I’d bet dollar to donuts that there were Dolchtoß theories about Lombardian bankers any time a crusade came back with its tail between its legs or a financial endeavour of the realm went pear shaped.

A fascinating claim. Let’s see what happens when we look at it.
Harvard, founded 1636.
Slavery legalized in Massachusetts, 1642.
Harvard was established by the Colony of Massachusetts Bay to train Puritan ministers, and named after a minister who donated his library and half his estate to it on his death.
It remained that way until, at the earliest, 1708.

Might I gently ask where you get your assertion from, because it seems a bit dubious to me. Are you referring to the law school, perhaps? Royall and all that, circa 1785? It seems a bit odd to claim the school itself is founded on something that happened over a hundred years after it was founded.

Semi-devils-advocate post:

  1. On the question of whether the proposition is debatable, I’d say that it is. Certainly it’s a common idea; I shamefully confess I’d heard it myself and hadn’t really questioned it, although I hadn’t really thought much about it either way. Finn, thanks for your very informative post on the subject.
  2. On the question of “so what?”, I think there is a value to knowing what one’s ancestors were up to. Moreover, my impression is that Judaism is perhaps the leading religion in the world that’s concerned with the history of its people. If it turned out that Jews were primary movers and shakers in the slave trade, I would expect modern Jews to be very concerned with this. Since it seems that they were not, it’s not something that I’d expect modern Jews to be much concerned with.

If you are going to pick on Teh Jooz, there are far more recent crimes to accuse them of, if the history of their most representative organisation is anything to go by*.

  • Mossad, in case you are wondering. And if I die in an accident, it wasn’t really one, I’ve just pissed off the wrong jew.

Although they both wear funny hats and have beards, I suspect you’re confusing “Hasidim” with “dwarves”.

That’ll be Reverend Wright and his “Them Jews” comment from a few weeks back.

Ray, when someone asks if you’re a Glod you say “YES!”

Glad to help. I’ve (unfortunately enough) read more than I can stomach about Farrakhan, this just sorta came up among the tidbits. What’s really interesting is that there were many Jews who fought quite hard for civil rights in America. Some Jews helped create the NAACP, for instance. The state of relations now is kinda sad.

A disproportionate number of blacks are mildly to ragingly anti-Semitic, schmucks like Farrakhan use vile lies to motivate their ‘base’ and that ends up spilling over into non NOI folks, just like Al Sharpton has blood on his hands due to his incitement… not to mention the comparatively more mild Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson and Rev. Jeremiah “Them Jews I mean Zionists” Wright.

I believe the expression is ‘le sigh’.
Social justice goes hand in hand with Tikun Olam and it’s a bitch that stuff like "Jews are responsible for the slave trade is what’s talked about instead of “let’s march together for justice and peace.”

Might as well provide a cite for that assertion. PDF.

In 2007 it was lower among college grads… but still distressingly high at roughly 1 in 5. It was much higher among non college educated blacks.

Well, dang it, every time we’re presented with a good reason for anti-Semitism, someone like Finn will come along and shoot it down.

There are just too many answers to the usual stereotypes and tall tales. Obviously, what’s needed are new memes. Like Jews are behind efforts to vaccinate our children.

See. Even they admit it.

So, pretty much, Jews cause autism?
I knew it.

Nye Bevan was Jewish?

What exactly is it that you imagine *the *Mossad has done?

He was one of those Baptist Jews. They’re the worst kind.