essentially the site gets a little hairbrained and out there, but there is some interesting stuff in regards to the lending rate, Lincon, and Kennedy’s assasination.
Do you think there is a conspiracy by the bankers to enslave us?
The whole Kennedy-Federal Reserve-US Treasury-Silver Notes conspiracy has been explained in GD before. A search will turn up some relevant threads, but suffice to say it’s baloney (and it’s hard to tell just whic specific parts of it your link is claiming; it’s written is fairly nutty style.) I won’t get into the details of federal reserve notes, but look at it this way; it’s pretty easy to see that the taxes you pay to the IRS aren’t all being spent on paying the federal reserve if you just look at the amount of money the government spends on other stuff. That’s where the taxes are going - defense, Social Security, agricultural handouts, and all that crap.
Furthermore, the national debt isn’t owed to the Federal Reserve. The slight majority is owed to American citizens in the form of T-bills and bonds and such things; the rest is entitlements and foreign debt.