Based on this thread in GD, I decided to open up a JFK only thread, mainly because I’m truly against the current thinking in that thread and potentially the board.
Given the number of intelligent people who post here, I’d like to discuss this rationally as possible. I am truly amazed that the thought of a conspiracy in the shooting of JFK is in the same sentence as the faked moon landings.
So, for those of you who believe Oswald was the lone killer… what tips the evidence in that direction for you? Is it simply the Warren Report? The fact that a conspiracy of this level could never be covered up for this long? Or is something else making you see what I simply can’t.
I don’t mind being wrong, mind you. I, for instance, think JWB killed Lincoln, even though I don’t have a film of the head shot.
So, if someone could show me the way to the LHO only scenario, I’d love to hear it.
The one problem I cannot solve is who exactly carried out the assassination, and why. No one can. We can all speculate (the mafia, cubans, the CIA, FBI, whoever), but we’ll probably never know. But one thing I have never been able to wrap my head around is the lone gunman theory. I know it puts things in a tidy bundle, and we really don’t need to think about such a third world tactic to happen inside the USA, but a coup d’etat did occur (IMO) on Nov. 22.
My background is one of catching up, reading and some research. I was not alive when Kennedy was killed, so why I have such an interest in it sometimes baffles me. I have no emotional attachment to JFK, other than he was the President of my country, and I have no context to the information that was being churned out in the hours, days, weeks and months after the assassination. Maybe some of you do.
So first, I’d like to know if anyone out there besides me thinks that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK in Dallas. If you don’t, I’d appreciate hearing your point of view as well.
Another point of reference many people use is the movie JFK. It’s not fair to see one movie and make up your mind, and Oliver Stone freely admits to taking some liberties in telling the story. But if you read the two books it was based on (On the Trail of the Assassins - Garrison, and Crossfire - Maars), there seem to be many things that come out in those books that pop up in the movie… clearly a Hollywood production, but I think Stone captured the spirit of the books, and the theories, which I admit are all over the place.
Finally, I think the killing of Oswald by Jack Ruby seals the deal for me as a conspiracy. Oswald knew something, and whatever it was went to the grave with him. Ruby killing him makes absolutely no sense unless he had to kill him, and killing him in the basement of the Dallas police department makes it even more unbelievable.
I know these small snippets are pieces of information you all know. So before I continue, I’d like to hear from both sides (if they do exist) on the board. Hell, if we get a good debate going, maybe we can solve the Zodiac killings!