Hmmm… I must be a nut then…
I’ve seen a couple of references to “Case Closed”. I’ve also read a couple of Oliver Stone slams. If I may, (and since I’m a registered member, I may), my thoughts.
The movie JFK came out and it bothered me greatly. I mean… think about it… what if it was true? The government may have been part of a conspiracy to kill its leader, or at the very least covered up the truth as to what really happened. Talk about shaking some fundamental beliefs to the core.
I heard all of the media reports about Oliver’s “fiction”, so I decided to read the books the movie was based on… “On The Trail Of The Assassins”, by Jim Garrison and “Crossfire” by Jim Marrs. Has anyone out there read both of these books? If you did, you’d find that Oliver’s depiction of the key events are fairly close to both books… granted, he took some creative license and changed periphial things to make a better movie. But the underlying premise of these books were accurately depicted. I encourage anyone that is interested in this subject to read Garrison’s book especially. Whether or not you are a conspiracy buff, it’s IMHO a terrific read, and an extremely interesting story. Whether you chose to believe it or not is up to the reader, but personally, I found no reason not to believe that he was a part of an amazing period of this country’s history and was trying to find the truth. If he was a nut case or an egomaniac, I don’t know. That’s just my take on the man.
For those of you who think that a conspiracy doesn’t exist because the ability to cover it up wasn’t possible, you are mistaken. The US intelligence apparatus (like any other country’s)is very good at living in a world of smoke and mirrors… and allowing you to see what they want you to see. That’s their business. They live in a world of compartmentalized information and secrets. Whether or not they were a part of this assassination, I don’t know. But I’ve read enough on this subject and know enough about how the intelligence community works to have my doubts about the Warren Commission’s conclusions. Most people have no idea what is going on in the world behind the scenes. And quite frankly, most of us don’t want to or need to. For most of the world, ignorace is bliss. But don’t kid yourselves.
Detailed discussion of specific points would probably require this to be moved to great debates. However, I think that whether or not you believe that Oswald pulled the trigger, you can certainly understand the motives of the US government to pin it on one person and close it quietly. I suspect that they didn’t really want to find the truth. Even if they had other leads, who would have wanted to follow them? Most of the conspiracy scenarios (Mafia, CIA, Cuba, KGB) if true, would have been distasteful to say the least. The results of discovering the truth would have to have generated a reaction… if it was a foreign government, what would that be? War? And if it was our own government, then what? We couldn’t even handle a bugging of Watergate and that came a decade later. Imagine finding out the CIA killed the President! From a purely pragmatic point of view, the Oswald solution was the cleanest and allowed the country to move on.
We perhaps will never know what really happened. Perhaps we already do. In any event, I sure find it interesting. If time travel was possible, I have a feeling I’d go back to Dallas that faithful day with a video camera and find myself a secluded spot behind the picket fence.