Jim Jordan accused of ignoring sexual abuse as a coach

So far he’s denying any knowledge, which doesn’t strike me as credible. Strikingly similar to the Michigan gymnast doctor case, IMO.

A summary – Jordan (R - OH) was an assistant wrestling coach for Ohio State U a few decades back, and several wrestlers have come forward and accused the team doctor (now deceased) of routinely groping wrestlers, and that at least one of them specifically told Jordan about it. Jordan denies any knowledge of this.

Why is it always wrestling coaches?

Pulling a Paterno? And of course the teflon coating that repubs enjoy (especially the freedom caucus’ers) will reduce this to a very quick handwave. We all have our pet peeve shitheads - mine is this twatwaffle. Jordan is about as toxic an excuse for a “statesman” in Washington as it gets. He is a psychotic, high strung fucking twatwaffle, and the schandenfraude in seeing the (incredibly unlikely) reckoning for this “oversight” would be considerable, muchly so.

Noooo problems seeing this fucker go down - too bad not here, though.:mad:

If I were accused of allowing up to 2,000 college students get sexually abused and raped, I would be trying to undermine the FBI too.

Well, it is a very hands-on sport.

Why is it always Republican wrestling coaches?

It’s the other, little talked about, Hastert Rule.

Now, we’re left to wonder whether his devoted loyalty to the Dotard is that of a true believer, or that of a scared little man who’s knows that there are some very interesting files on him in the Kremlin…

I find his response not believable. Mainly because these events happened so many years ago I would expect him to be saying something along the lines of, “That’s too long a time ago for me to remember accurately.” But for him to definitively state that they didn’t happen? That doesn’t pass the sniff test.

Old Time Radio wants you to know it’s not them!

How else can you get a sweaty muscular man into a compromising position without anyone thinking less of you?

I do not see any reference to an election in this thread.
I considered sending it to Great Debates, but I have seen no factual information cited or debated.
Off to The BBQ Pit.

[ /Moderating ]

It’s a perfect example of the cruelty that goes hand in hand with republicanism.

Isn’t the whole point of wrestling to grope each other until someone gets too uncomfortable and quits? Just like MMA

It’s just more o’ them “values” we keep hearing about.

I’d been snickering over this news until I read your post. You put it into perspective in one sentence. I hope Jordan gets his comeuppance, and I really hope those boys get some type of closure. What a shit deal. Imagine you know, that the adults know, that you’re being molested and they do nothing.

And to top it all off dick-stroker Jimmy Jordan is lying to the press, telling them he is willing to assist law enforcement in anyway he can, yet he hasn’t responded to the lawyers handling the case.

Shortly after the NBC News story was published, Fury added the following statement: "He has not been contacted by investigators about the matter but will assist them in any way they ask, because if what is alleged is true, the victims deserve a full investigation and justice.”

But Kathleen Trafford of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, the Dayton, Ohio-based law firm that was appointed as legal counsel to Ohio State, said in a statement that investigators “had previously contacted Rep. Jordan’s office by email and phone to request that he participate in an interview.”

“To date, Rep. Jordan has not responded to those requests,” Trafford wrote. “The investigative team is continuing its efforts to schedule an interview with Rep. Jordan.”

From whence that number?

“Strauss sexually assaulted male athletes in at least fifteen varsity sports during his employment at OSU from 1978 through 1998,” DiSabato wrote in a June 26 email to Kathleen M. Trafford of Porter Wright Morris & Arthur, the Columbus-based law firm that represents Ohio State. “Athlete victims include members of the following programs: football, basketball, wrestling, swimming, cheerleading, volleyball, lacrosse, gymnastics, ice hockey, soccer, baseball, tennis, track and cross country.”

Chillingly, DiSabato added: “Based on testimony from victim athletes from each of the aforementioned varsity sports, we estimate that Strauss sexually assaulted and/or raped a minimum of 1,500/2,000 athletes at OSU from 1978 through 1998."

Apparently, Jordan just didn’t know about this abuse.

He watched.