Jim Jordan accused of ignoring sexual abuse as a coach

After all the snickering from Columbus sports media and O.S.U. fans about the tribulations at Penn State and Michigan State, there’s now a certain amount of comeuppance in the air.

And of course Prez Deserves-A-Wedgie didn’t get his Roy Moore suppport, so why not shill for this scumbag too.

To be ruthlessly fair, we don’t have the actual facts yet, and they will be hard to get. Where might we find a document, or some other tangible evidence? So far, its all just statements and allegations, we cannot and should not presume guilt.

By the same token, of course, Il Douche is flat-footed stone cold stupid to declare innocence. He could have been effective enough just staying within accepted bounds, the presumption of innocence, etc. But no.

I have to say…I find it unbelievable.

I mean, I could be wrong. I am not saying it did not happen. But this differs from the Michigan State and Penn State cases, in that these weren’t minors and it wasn’t happening to someone else. These were men. These were athletes. In Ohio. They were and are, by nature, men who were violent and assertive. Men who enjoy and seek out confrontation. There is so much machismo and homophobia built in to that culture that I find it nearly impossible to believe that more than a thousand of these men were sexually assaulted by this guy and not one of them, NOT ONE OF THEM, beat the living snot out of him? I mean, out of reflex! Does this not strain credibility with anyone?

For this to believable, there has to be at least a couple of instances where this guy was in the emergency room with a broken and bleeding nose.

If I were on a jury? Sure - innocent until proven guilty, all of that. But I don’t live in Ohio, I’m not going to be on that jury (if there is one), and there has been to much of this bullshit. He (the doctor) looks to weigh the same as a duck, so I say burn him.

You study your prey, you make slow moves, you back off if a slow move gets a strong negative reaction.

Was he is describing is not subtle or sneaky.

And it wasn’t secret, either.

The Law of Large Numbers says there HAD to be a couple of times where he guessed wrong and got his ass kicked.


We don’t know that he didn’t. Think he’d tell anybody?

This guy was on Bret Baier and it did not go well. To quote Josh Marshall:

VERY TELLING. Jordan repeatedly notes this distinction: “Conversations in a locker room are a lot different than allegations of abuse or reported abuse to us.” Seems to be falling back on formal accusations, just discussed and common knowledge.


He also went on a rosenstein and Hillary Clinton riff claiming this is all about protecting them.

Molesting children to own the libs is so 2017.

Tired: Molesting Children to own the libs

Wired: Putting Children in cages to own the libs

Applying the Trump-Cosby equation: the more victims that come forward, the stronger the proof that it’s a hoax.

How exactly does your response have anything to do with what I quoted?

Jordan is running against Janet Garret in November. In 2016, Jordan beat Garret 68-32. I don’t know anything about that district, but it is very oddly shaped. The shape and lopsided contest in 2016 lead me to believe that the district is heavily gerrymandered. So, it looks like a safe bet that he’ll be reelected, thereby disproving at least half of the conventional wisdom about dead girls and live boys.

Eh, he has to make it to running. His interview today gave his opposition plenty of ammo, especially compared to his earlier statements. This scandal is just beginning, and could get much larger.


“Running” in my first sentence above should be “election day”.

I do that all the time.

So, I posted the following on Twitter just yesterday in response to JJ’s interview:

“Interesting that the default position is that Jim Jordan was not a participant”

'But moving closer to “yeah, but we were just horsing around! Having fun! And they were all of the legal age of consent!” ’

Last night, the following came out:

Buried in the story is this paragraph:

“Even defenders of Jordan told POLITICO that the environment in Larkins Hall was abhorrent. Jordan used to work out with the students and use the sauna with them, even creating his own jocular “King of the Sauna” award at the end of the year for the wrestler who was best at trash talking his opponents and boasting of his successes post-practice. That’s why several wrestlers said it‘s implausible that Jordan didn’t see anything, despite his denials.”

In time, I bet, it will be revealed that Jordan participated in this culture of deviancy. We will see, but in 3, 4 days we have gone from:

  1. I knew nothing
  2. Well, locker room talk isn’t the same as allegations, therefore I didn’t do anything
  3. “But coach, you took saunas with us, so many that you created Sauna Awards…”

In addition, who here believes that a culture of toxic masculinity and sexual aggression limited itself only to male victims?

Find the women involved in these programs and I’ll bet their stories will be even worse.