Jimmy Hoffa's height, weight?

Kind of an odd question, but…does anyone here know what Jimmy Hoffa’s height and weight were? Google, in an odd moment, has failed to tell me.

That’s…it, I think. (Except for the obvious question of why I’d want to know.)

Nah, that ain’t him. Everybody knows that Hoffa was thrown into a vat of molten iron a steel-making facility, and is now part of a Buick Roadmaster that was sold to one Martin P. Schenkelburg of Walla Walla, Washington.

So Diceman how long is the car and how much does it weigh? :rolleyes:

I had to ask.

See here

The day Jimmy Hoffa didn’t come home

Looks to be medium shortish (say 5-7 to 5-8 or so) and wiry at around 155-165 lbs.

If you absolutely have to know, you can make a Freedom of Information Act request to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for a copy of his prison record, which should include his height and weight (specifically ask for this information in your request, though).

Okay Ranchoth you’ve got all the facts you need. Now why in the hell do you want to know? :confused: or [sub]tired of waiting[/sub]

No, make him beg us to ask. :stuck_out_tongue:

[Sobbing] “Please, somebody, anybody, ask me why I want Jimmy Hoffa’s height and weight!”

It’s for a flight simulator.

No, really…it’ll be for a “weapon” that’s basically the shape of a body bag, with a large triangular iron weight attached to the feet. (Or, maybe it’ll just be a guy in a pair of “concrete overshoes.” Whichever one looks funniest when reduced to a handful of polygons.) The weight and height of the body would add a touch of authenticity that no one on the entire planet will ever even notice or check on.

What, were you expecting me to say something starting with “I was digging in my rose garden yesterday, when my shovel hit something with a clink…”

Personally, I was hoping for the next Geraldo special.