JJ Abrams' NCC-1701

The original was pretty far away from the superstructure too.

I really like it, it seems *designed *instead of completely utilitarian.

I’d say otherwise, that the new one looks like someone actually did finite element analysis on it, or whatever they use in the 26th century.

Don’t like it. The primary hull (saucer section) looks a lot like the ST:TMP refit Enterprise, which is OK, I guess, but the secondary hull is all wrong. It tapers to too much of a point in back, and the connection between the two hulls is too bulky. The navigational deflector (if that’s what it is) is too big in relation to it. And the warp nacelles look… bloated, somehow. Yuck.

Ahhh. It’s like. . . comin’ home.

Star Trek movies have been stale for years. This one may well suck, but I don’t think it’ll be stale. If it sucks, it will suck in new and interesting ways.

In the 26th century, they route finite element analysis through the deflector dish.

Well, I definitely like it better than the TNG Enterprise, which I always thought looked bloated and lame. Not loving the nacelles, like a few others in this thread. Overall, I give it a B grade.

Gotta go with this. I just don’t get too excited by all the hardware.

Maybe they reversed the polarity first.

I liked the E-D initially, but I think it became a problem in DS9 where the Galaxy class was included in a lot of the big battle scenes. It bears little resemblance to the other ships of the era, looking more like one of Ed Wood’s flying saucers and a pair of Hostess Suzy Qs attacking a robotic space monkfish.

In 23rd Century Russia, deflector dish routes you!

They make me lose a little more faith in humanity.

I mostly like it, but the nacelles are a bit too fancy and different from the basic shape of the original.

It’s well done. Close enough to the original that no one will scream for bleach to pour in their eyes; novel enough to be an interesting change.

Apropos of nothing: anybody know who’s playing Uhura? Because if there is no Uhura in the movie, I will be en-fucking-raged.

Yes, Zoe Saldana.

Here’s a picture of her in her Starfleet uniform, on the far right.

Well, she’s no Nichelle Nichols c. 1966, but she’ll do. :wink:

I like it. It does look “heavy”, as opposed to the OS Enterprise which looked like a light model, which I suppose makes sense.

Out of interest, does anyone know how you make something look heavy? It seems to have a lot of weight to it to me, but I have no idea why it makes me think that.

I think it’s the relative cross-section of the pylons. Thicker pylons = more strength needed = more mass.

How am I supposed to evaluate Ms. Saldana’s legs & ass from that picture? Uhura’s all about the legs, though the lack of cleavage is also distressing.

This is all part of why I’m going to be tossed into the Void any day now.

Yeh, is there any way that the scriptwriters could plausibly justify having all the women dressed in [del]costumes[/del]uniforms that show off their bods more?

They could say they were toning things down from Voyager and Enterprise.