First, I cannot say the name of where I work, and if you KNOW, I beg of you to not to put it in this thread. We were informed yesterday that they actually have people in the company whose job it is to Google the company name to see what’s being said about it, and if you are caught saying anything negative, you will be fired.
I fear the firing is coming soon, anyway, but I need to keep it just as long as I can.
I have had this job in a call center for a HUGE phone company for about a year and a half. They record every call for quality and randomly ‘grade’ 6 calls a month. About 3 mnths ago, they TOTALLY changed the entire quality standard, making it near impossible to now pass a quality check. One word mis-spoken and it’s a failed call. More people have been fired than I can count. I am bordering on being on that list.
I have begged my manager to let me take a monthly quality training class they run, but so far he has not gotten me enrolled. Last night, I got another failed quality call. Now, it’s not like I am doing horrible, horrible things, one little slip-forget to use the customer’s name, a silence period longer than 30 seconds while I am working on fixing their account or device and… Yeah. My customers are always happy with the service I provide. I can usually make them laugh, get their problem solved, and often get accolades. My calls rarely escalate to management.
In addition, I am NEVER late to work or from breaks. I am there every day. I get along with my co-workers, usually staying to myslef.
The job pays fairly well and I have a 401K, insurance, etc. I may not LIKE the job but I do not want to lose it…and I feel certain that is what is going to happen in the next couple months.
If I am fired, I will not be able to collect unemployment in the state of Indiana. When I was laid off from my last job, it took me almost a year to find this one, and the job situations here has not improved. I have already started putting in applications for other jobs, but no nibbles.
I am constantly sick to my stomach over this situation; I feel certain I am developing an ulcer. I don’t sleep well, and I am irritable with my beloved pets. Physically I am limited as to what type of work I can do. My arthritis in lower back & legs makes standing, walking or lifting out of the question.
I am about at the end of my rope with this. I don’t really know what I’m looking for by posting this here, I guess I just needed to vent a bit. But any good suggestions would be much appreciated.
Sorry this is so long.