Joe and Mika, sittin' in a tree...


Wow, I had no idea. I watch their show periodically when I wake up early and can’t get back to sleep (it’s on 3-6AM on the Left Coast). Story here:

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are engaged, NBC confirms

I wonder if he’ll let her get a word in edgewise at home! :slight_smile:

Didn’t see it coming but I wish them the best. For a Republican, Scarborough isn’t that bad.

Yeah, he’d be an odd duck in The House these days. Which is a shame!

Last week they were both MIA, rumor was they were having some sort of fight. They re-emerged a couple of days ago and didn’t look blissful to me. I’m thinking someone was demanding a ring in exchange for nookie.

Mika got divorced fairly recently and then the stories came out about her and Joe. I doubt it’s a coincidence.

Also, he’s way taller than her, I wonder how they have anal sex?

You should start a thread!! :smiley:

HuffPost made the embarrassing error of announcing this as “Joe and Mike”… but it’s the 21st century, so no one noticed.

I don’t think Mika would put up with that.

Puts a whole new spin on Reverse Polish Notation!

Mika is gratingly obnoxious on ‘Morning Joe’. That’s all I know.

She’s there so the boys don’t get TOO out of line.

Yeah Joe reminds me of Chris Matthews in one way: he talks over everybody.

Joe is a narcissist and Mika is a neurotic rug. They’re perfect for each other.

This is basically an Aaron Sorkin show become reality. So, we can expect a lot of behind the scenes drama, tortured speeches about freedom of expression, embarassing public squabbles in which Scarborough just realizes he said something totally inappropriate on camera when read out of context, Brezinski having some kind of angry fit hat turns out to be not at all what she claimed it was ostensibly about, a sage elder giving a “The only thing you need to do to make me happy…” speech, someone making chicken noises to goad another into action, an underling refusing to acknowledge suppressed trauma causing her to act in bizarre and unprofessional fashion, a paranthetical reference to All About Eve, and premature cancellation requiring a rushed, all-too-neat resolution to the tangled mess of unresolved plot threads. Here’s the supercut of the inevitable future of their relationship.

Yet another reason to avoid MSNBC like the pneumonic plague.


I’ve always wondered why Mika was still on that show. I guess she’s more entertaining off the air than on. What? Too soon? :smiley:

Ha! Just watched SNL, and they did the cold open on this subject.

I’m glad to see they finally announced, I’ve suspected they had something going for years. Since the engagement, I’ve read that it’s been the best kept secret in television.

McKinnon nails the air of smug disdain and insouciant pretentiousness of Mika Brzezinski down to the smallest mannerisms. I’m seriously torn between her or Tracey Ullman as the greatest working female impressionist.


She is amazing. And yeah, her Mika was spot on!!

I kind of thought it was sort of an open secret, but I mentally filed it as a non-story since they were both single. Although I’m sure there was some drama about why they both became single.

I’m I the only one that remembers Trump threatening to “spill the beans” on Joe and Mika?

And I think Mika’s ex James Hoffer is way better looking than Joe.