Joe Arapaio, Sentient Pustule

You may well be a tard. I was reading this thread and saw that some think that people in jail are or have been convicted. Prison is where you go after you have been convicted.

Unless you were convicted of a misdemeanor.

Anyway, back to jail… I’ve been there many times and the last thing on my mind is the cuisine. Of course the food is perhaps… a little under par, what the fuck do you expect? Most guys I know will only consume the milk and juice in cartons and maybee fresh fruit and give the rest to others in the hope that they are gonna bond out before they get really hungry. If you find youself in for more than a couple of days or up to a year, you rolled the fuckin dice not the sheriff.

Fuckin semantics. Who goes to prison for a misdemeanor?

I see what I did there. :smack: However post #103 stands. Good night nurse…

Are you really not familiar with the expression “getting tossed”? Some of these bastards have been caught holding a joint. Others haven’t paid outstanding parking tickets. But hey, you can afford a lawyer, or borrow money from someone who can, so it can’t happen to you. And, really, that’s what’s important.

Because Charles Mason, is exactly like an innocent person wrongly accused of a crime, or someone who committed a crime like being drunk in public.

Again these are not random people from off the street. If holding a joint or unpaid parking tickets will get you thrown in jail, guess what? Don’t hold a joint and don’t park illegally.

If you get a ticket, might be a good idea to pay it unless you like livin’ in a tent and eating bologna sandwiches. As for holding…well, if you’re doing that you fully accept the risk / consequences.

How about looking like a guy they have a description of for some crime? How about having someone file a false report against you? How about just being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

You seem to assume people are guilty and should be punished upon mere accusation. As if being accused of a crime is a crime in it’s self.

Regardless of the hijack about whether people in jail or prison are innocent or could have avoided it or whatever, those people deserve to be treated humanely by society, and that includes being fed a balanced and healthy diet.

I get no sadistic thrill out of imagining an inmate choking down a sandwich of moldy bread and rancid bologna. There’s something wrong with people who think that’s fine; wrong in a sociopathic sense that differs in degree, not in kind, from the criminals they wish to suffer.

There’s no indication that a person described in any of your scenarios would ever make it to a tent “cell”. Maybe I’m wrong, but one would think that the tents are not “Barney Miller holding cells” or overnight drunk tanks but are utilized for longer term jail inmates.

I’ve already answered your first paragraph earlier.

People are in jail. How do you put people in jail without it being ‘punishment’?

Who says they are not being fed a healthy diet? You can point to specific instances where they have been cited for spoiled food, but again, I ask where are the starving people, where are the indications that people are becoming sick because of it? In comparison to other jurisdictions, please.

Post #40 has information on other jurisdictions in Arizona. Post #66 has a court case specifically against Arapaio.

It’s apparent that they are not being fed a nutritious and well-balanced diet.

Starvation is not synonymous with malnutrition.

Frank, your first link just details that one jurisdiction is providing different, more expensive food. Not that it is required or that it is necessary to keep the prisoners healthy.

What is apparent is that Joe isn’t following an arbitrary number according to the courts. Is there any indication that prisoners are suffering in his jail, health wise, compared to any other location? There are studies that say low calorie diets are actually good for you long term.
Maybe Joe is just looking out for their long term health…(Yeah, I can’t write that without chuckling, either).

And the proof that this is happening?

The US District Court says that:

Proof, dammit! Not the whining of some liberal activist judge! Proof!

Not to side with Uzi, whose lack of compassion I am finding difficult to stomach, but I think he’s asking for evidence that the conditions ruled on in 2008 are still in place here at the end of 2010.