Joe Arapaio, Sentient Pustule

Elucidator, is the one claiming I’m a hard-headed realist, not me. His illusions (delusions) aren’t any more ‘real’ than mine. At least I recognize this, I doubt he does.

That would, indeed, be the very least.

Gosh, no they don’t. I wonder why. Oh yeah, it’s because they’re fucking criminals. You see no difference between the behavior of the state and the behavior of criminals? What are you, Noam Fucking Chomsky?


Ohhhhh, the horrors :rolleyes:

Actually, I’m shocked it’s just not a bowl of bean soup

I see a great deal of difference. One has guns and takes my money, and the other, uh, has guns and takes my money. One does it all the time continuously, the other only occasionally. Neither asks for permission.

Somewhat more seriously, maybe if criminals knew they’d get the treatment they gave others it might dissuade a few of them not to pursue a life of crime.

Obviously not committing crimes is a major factor. But it’s not the guarantee you claimed - innocent people do get accused of crimes. So luck is a factor in staying out of jail.

Why would you think that? Do you think criminals show a great deal of foresight when pursuing a life of crime?

Also doesn’t mean they deserve a Waldorf Astoria, abeit w/bars.

Say, does the Waldorf still have that 14¢ menu?

Joe’s doing pretty good - I can’t make a bologna sandwich for 14 cents.

I’m still of the mindset that if you don’t want to end up living in a tent and eating two meals a day, one of them consisting of a bologna sandwich, don’t do the crime.

I don’t think I made a guarantee of anything other than for my own situation. I agree that innocent people not only get arrested, but end up being convicted. A lot of people will also be proven not guilty. It doesn’t mean they didn’t do the crime, though.

I don’t know if any of it is really relevant to the conversation. I think even if everyone in that prison was a convicted felon with 100% certainty there still would be people objecting to the food menu. The fact that there are innocents there is only a way to further their argument.

So what, a fact’s a fact, and that fact does further the argument. Our sincerity or lack thereof changes nothing. Even if your were in a position to judge that sincerity.

So, just to be safe, throw them all in jail, and let God sort them out? After all, anybody who gets arrested probably did something to deserve it, right?

No, the ‘kill them all and let god sort them out’ is how you win a war.

Most people who are arrested have done something that causes them to get arrested. Or, are you suggesting that random people are being pulled off the street and thrown into jail? I think I said that wasn’t happening earlier. Nor did I ever even make a suggestion that people don’t deserve a trial, or that they shouldn’t go free (even if they actually did do the crime) if the state can’t prove their case.

You’re posting history pretty much is an indication of your sincerity. Don’t bother denying that you’d be just as much up in arms if these people were 100% guilty and all of them convicted of the crimes they are accused of.

In some hypothetical universe where that was true, perhaps you’d have a point. The rest of us are debating in the real world, where it isn’t.

First of all, it’s a jail and not a prison. Secondly, I would. If it’s your job to take care of people in an institutional, custodial situation where those people are reliant on you, be it a jail, a prison, a school, a nursing home, or what have you; any place where you’re responsible for the health and safety of another, you have a duty of care to those people. And part of that duty is that you don’t feed them tainted or spoiled food. The problem in that regard isn’t that he feeds them bologna. The problem is that he feeds them old spoiled bologna.

Maricopa’s jail is failing in its duty of care to the inmates, by providing them substandard food and medical care (the jail infirmary lost its accredidation last January for failing to meet minimum standards). In my mind, when an institution that has a legal and moral duty to protect people fails to do so, it’s a problem, even when the people that it’s failing to protect are bad people.

Damn it’s almost humorous how many folks dont know the difference between jail and prison. Anyway, yeah the food may not rise to the level of yummy but you are not there to be pampered. I’m so tired of the “this place sucks and boo fucking hoo” from everyone. Think of it this way- the choices you make in life can limit your choices on the menu.

I don’t have a problem with making the inmates sleep in a tent provided they have adequate hydration and protection from the elements. I do have a serious problem with serving them substandard food and giving them inadequate medical care. Jail certainly shouldn’t be a pleasant place but inmates are human beings and should be treated as such.

Seeing as you are talking about prison, when this thread is about a jail, it seems you are the one who doesn’t know the difference.

Was the fact that this contest includes people who haven’t been convicted not enough proof that we weren’t talking about prison? And people call me a tard.

If the Mc Donalalds Corp. one day offered to feed every inmate 3 squares a day there would still be people saying that THAT is inhumane. When was the last time you thought about poor Charles Manson and sent him a warm letter and some home baked cookies?