Joe Biden is so senile

How senile is he? He doesn’t realize he’s waging a war on Catholicism despite being a Catholic himself.

Can you be a little more coherent and give us some context as to what in the hell you are blathering about?

Is there some context here? (Ha! Ninjaed!)

For the record, if we could make it to the border of the Vatican, actually invading the Vatican itself would be a piece of cake. Getting through Italy might be tricky – maybe a cruise missile sent from the Mediterranean could take out the pope?

As a lapsed Catholic, I’m happy to suggest that Catholicism deserves a war that destroys it utterly.

BTW, what did Joe do? I could use a smile.

Joe Biden is so senile he doesn’t know what the fuck this thread is about either.

Why did I even open this thread? I’m damaging enough brain cells in the Trump threads as it is.

I don’t know what Miller will decide, but I did flag the thread. Click bait title, empty content & a joke? thread is pretty bad combo.

I don’t know-- the Swiss guard armed with those halberds are pretty formidable looking…

Eh, the Swiss Guard isn’t just for show. Might be harder than you think.

“The Presidential address? 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.”

I’m assuming this is about some Republican accusation after something Biden either said, did, or did NOT say or do. Or something they only thought or imagined he said or did.

Joe Biden is so senile, he’s masterminding clever plots against himself to get reelected by propping up Donald Trump. (There’s someone out there who believes this.)

80s Comedian: Joe Biden is so senile…
Crowd: How senile is he?
80s Comedian: He’s so senile, he created a thread on the SDMB with no content at all.

OK, I won’t quit my day job.

Equal parts dangerous and fabulous

Come on, this is obviously the new “Yo mama is so fat…” joke.

“Jo Biden is so senile, he forgot to screw up the State of the Union Address!”

Okay, I’ll admit, that one needs some work.

A definition of ‘catholic’ means “including a wide variety of things; all-embracing”.

So maybe the OP meant that Biden does not appreciate variety, and is engaging in a small ‘c’ “war on catholicism”.

This reminds me of the old Match Game gameshow.

Gene Rayburn: Joe Biden is soooo senile…
Gene: He’s so senile, when gives a press conference, he forgets to <BLANK>!
Crowd: <laughs at the potential double entendre>

…sounds kinda pan-sexual to me…

Whaddaya expect from them DemonRats.