Joe Biden is so senile

I’m sorry, I thought the “joke” was obvious- it was a lame attempt to highlight the idiotic assertions of the MAGAts.
Close the thread if you like. Or pit me for starting shitty threads, lord knows this isn’t the first :slightly_smiling_face:

What idiotic assertions? And please try to remember that when you read a news article or see something on tv, we are not in the room with you seeing the same thing.

Poe’s Law strikes again.

Oh, the OP was being Trump’s version of “sarcastic.”

The notion that the gov is conducting a war on the Catholic church. That’s pretty idiotic.

Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is still the most senile president, though

That’s true. But, personally, I haven’t seen that particular accusation.

As is the notion that cats can operate bulldozers.
One more time: Would you mind pointing out where someone is accusing Biden of waging war on the Catholic Church?

He’s so senile, he forgot to steal his State of the Union address from Neil Kinnock.
He’s so senile, everytime he sees a little girl he thinks he’s in a “Gee, your hair smells terrific.” commercial.
He’s so senile, he thinks Blair House is the servants quarters.

Greg Abbott found out the Pope is Argentinian so now he wants to bus Francis to Denver.

I’m sure if I post enough jokes here, one will be funny.

The Pope is so senile he voted for Biden!
Does that seem clearer?
(This is me being funny.)

Joe Biden is so senile that when he left the Mexican border totally open he forgot to tell Homeland security, and they keep turning people back.

Same reason I buy lottery tickets, then?

He’s so senile, when he boards Air Force One he asks to say hi to the Wright Brothers…

He’s so senile he thinks he’s Biden!

Don’t quit your day job. Someone needs to suck the farts out of the couch cushions at the airport.

Let me know when you retire then.

…Guffaws and slaps thigh…

Fred Grandy: wake up
Brett: put on his diaper
Charles: breathe
Debralee Scott: press
Richard: read
Fannie: go

Joe Biden is so senile he forgot to get IBTL.

Seal Team Six would fall over and roll on the ground laughing, and the Swiss Guard could poke them at their leisure.