I think a law enforcement person would be better than a politician for this job. And note he is 75, so I doubt if he would serve very long.
I think a law enforcement person would be better than a politician for this job. And note he is 75, so I doubt if he would serve very long.
Useful idiot. No, sorry, I mean useless idiot.
From the link.
I wonder if Idiot Orange thinks that might protect him in some way.
Isn’t he, like, 1,000-years-old by now?
I still prefer to call him “Agent” Orange.
Seems like a pretty ridiculous pick. I’ll believe it when I see it.
Probably. He’s wrong, again, of course.
Liberals know Lieberman was never really one of them, and know exactly what a self-serving piece of he shit is and has always been.
Trump may believe that it will help with with Liberals and Jews, or he may have something on him, however unlikely it is to have something on a nice Jewish guy.
Droopy Dog to become Deputy Dawg?
He’s 75. For a 10 year appointment.
Again, a 75 year old who spent his entire adult lifetime in elected office?? Plus, someone who was also screwed by the electoral college?? Makes no sense at all
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Lieberman endorsed McCain, gave a speech for Sara Palin (IIRC, at the GOP convention), and is one of Trump’s own lawyers. He stopped being a Democrat somewhere between 9/11 to 2008.
He will be the first Jew to lead the FBI, making me wonder how this plays out in Breitbart/Bannon land.
Terrible choice for FBI director. He’s only being named because they figure Democrats will be reluctant to vote against a fellow Senator. Bullshit. Stonewall the motherfucker. If Leiberman accepts it proves he’s to dumb to know he’s being played, or that he’s corrupt enough to know he’ll be Trump’s stooge.
A completely useless, wrong, idiotic and stupid choice. In other words, a perfect pick for the moron-in-chief. He proves his utter lack of judgement with every move.
He’s a criminal. Lock him up.
If he were worthy of such an appointment at such a critical time, he would refuse. Based on the facts we already have at hand, he wouldn’t even attend a meeting to vet him! Not just no! Hell no!
“Fightin’ Joe” Lieberman. He’s too old for this shit? Hell, I’m too old for this shit, my son is too old for this shit!
That is what Trump and his minions said about his opponent for President.
Lox him up! Lox him up!
There’s a history of bad blood between Lieberman and the Democrats. Lieberman lost the 2006 senate primary and still ran as an independent in the general against the Democrat who won the primary, beating him. He made a deal with the Senate Democrats afterwards where he caucused with them, like Bernie Sanders, and got to keep his seniority and committee assignments. Then in 2008, not only did he endorse John McCain over Obama, he even spoke at the Republican National Convention.
It’s one thing to be loyal to an old friend of his like John McCain. It’s another to screw over your party on national television in the process of doing so.
You doubt this because The President doesn’t do ridiculous things? Or what?
And John McCain had every intention of making Lieberman his running mate. It was only about a week beforehand that his staff convinced him the convention would not be happy with that, which resulted in the last-minute scramble that produced Sarah Palin.