Joe McCain called 911 to complain about traffic

That in itself is fucking hilarious:

How much idiocy can you cram into seven seconds?

Even in isolation, the level of pretentiousness in that last clause is hysterical. “It’s not because I’m pooping, or sleeping, or stuck in traffic, or anything like that – it’s totally because I’m Involved In A Very Important Family Political Project.” For some reason this reminds me of “Gavin” on The Kids in the Hall – “Gotta go, I’m in the middle of a big bike race.”

Not only that, but he’s apparently so important to the campaign that (in addition being unable to actually answer the phone,) he’s too busy to even take the message.
Suffering Christ. John McCain’s younger brother is balls-deep in embarrassing senescent behaviour.

Ooh, ooh, it gets better.

Typo and I are communists! Of course, what McCain doesn’t clarify is that, as a current NoVA resident, HE IS TOO!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a long tradition of presidents having family members who go out of their way to act like idiots in public (Bill and Jimmy had their brothers, while Ronnie and George had their sons). While they don’t reflect one way or another on the validity of the candidates, they’re still ripe targets for ridicule and I, for one, will point and laugh at all of them.

Sadly, even W has a more-embarrassing brother.

Sure, but… they do share the same parents.

I think we should stop apologizing for laughing at this moron. Really, if anybody else had made that call it would still be funny.

His being Johnny Mac’s bro just makes it funnier. But not by much.

It would have been shit your pants funny if Johnnie Mac himself made the calls.

Band name!!!