Joe the Dumbass: "A vote for Obama is a vote for death to Israel"

Please forgive me.

Damn. Tough luck, Israel.

You know all those “McCain is forked” threads? They’re all wrong, up to this point. NOW, officially, McCain is forked.

When they doubt you, you can still come back. When they write you off, you can still come back. When things go wrong, you can still come back. But when they laugh at you, it’s over. And this is laughable.

They’re now trying to reign in Sarah Palin, who’s been running around saying so many offense things that the campaign has to backpeddle from.

Joe can say all the same dumb shit, and the campaign can just shrug it’s shoulders and claim he isn’t speaking for the campaign, but for the “little guys with big dreams”.



Thank you.

Here in Florida, McCain is running a heavy rotation of “I’m Joe the Plumber” ads, with different folks standing up as “Joe the Plumber” and fretting over what Obama will do to their taxes. There’s also an extremely sinister ad (fear mongering) that features Joe Biden’s words ominously spoken over pictures of dark men with combat weapons. And one radio ad claiming that Obama will raise taxes for everyone making over $42,000/year. They’re playing a combination of fears and flinging as much shit against the wall to see what will stick.

I totally missed that.

What about “offensive” as opposed to “offense” in that post. I caught that, but I let it go.

Really, I’m an Obama supporter and a Canadian but I find this all so completely embarrassing.

Joe the Plumber - Secretary of Douchery

New cabinet level post - Secretary of the Inferior.

That one hasn’t had me wanting to claw my eyes out for the past several months.

'Zactly. Which is why I think JtP can only help – the only change is likely to be in the LGwBD vote, and some of those may be swayed. Plus it keeps McCain’s name in the pages without necessarily directly negative portrayals.

I know that when I want an analytical view of of US-Iraeli relations in an Obama presidency, I first turn to Joe the Plumber.

Obama is a proponent of diplomacy = the Death of Israel.
That’s quite the leap of logic there Joe, you shitbag partisan hack.

Opps! Sory.

Don’t even worry about it.

They should have sent Simon the Unicorn on the tour instead.

Fuck the stupid bollocks. He a no-mark.
Check out Charles the Volunteer

Wow, that’s a really sweet old guy. And yet another example of the campaign’s philosphy of positive messages. Unlike, Joe, the bullet headed attack dog.

It would be really funny if they crucified everyone who stood up to claim, “I am Joe the Plumber!”

Ok, I have a strange sense of humor.