Joe Walsh and Weather Report for late-night listening

Here’s some good music I hadn’t heard in quite a while. Came across both of these links a few nights ago and ended up having a blast. Maybe you will, too.

I owe it all to my prodigious memory and the YouTube algorithm.

Actually, my memory wasn’t so prodigious because I could not for the life of me remember the title of this Joe Walsh tune. I’ve got it down cold in my head but had to search for the artist’s name and finally spotted it way, way down the list. I guess it’s not among his better-known tunes. I think it’s one of the best examples of radio-friendly rock from that period (referring to late 70s-early 80s, but I’ve just read that some or most of it was actually recorded in 1973!).

The other one is this performance of Weather Report in Montreux in 1976. Incredibly talented musicians and over 80 minutes of performance. They seem to be living for intelligent musical conversation: drawing on each other for inspiration, quickly throwing out a line and eagerly watching and listening to see how the others will react. Jaco delivers an amazing solo starting exactly at the 25-minute mark.

That Joe Walsh song is really fantastic. It’s used to great effect in the movie The 40-Year-Old Virgin.