Jogging in combat boots?

So, it has come to my attention that my running shoes are beginning to fall apart, and that running in them may not be practical for much longer. The only other kinds of footwear that I own are leather dress shoes and combat boots. Is it bad for me to run in combat boots? These are fairly lightweight starting around the ankle, with most of the top part of the boots being made from some lightweight synthetic material. They have rubber soles marked “Durashock” and the insole is about a year and a half old (I am thinking of replacing the insoles since my heels no longer seem to sit right on them, if that makes any sense).

So yeah, I figure, guys in the Army run around in these, so it can’t be THAT bad for me, but then, I’m not a foot or a running expert.

So yeah, running in combat boots instead of buying new running shoes (somewhat broke here), yae or nay?

IME the only real way to find out with any kind of footwear is to put them on and take them out for a run. If you feel any strange pains discomfort besides sore muscles and pounding heart within a reasonable distance, then you should probably stop. It sounds like your boots are fairly lightweight (fabric upper) and have at least some kind of cushioned midsole, so they are probably OK for running. Older styles of boots are often full leather and have hard soles which get uncomfortable after a long time on paved surfaces. Make sure you start conservatively so your joints have some time to adjust to the new movements, but again, you’ll have to judge when is too long.

It may depend on several things such as how young (resilient) you are, whether you pronate badly, how tough your ankles and tendons, etc are.

When I got out of the army, that’s all I had (could not even afford a pair of sneakers), so started running. These were the infranty combat boots, heavy suckers, leather shoe and tops. I soon was doing 5-8 miles a day and this kept up for some six months until my wife got pregnant and had to gt a better job in horribly hilly country, so quit.

I suffered no ill effects at all, to my amazement now, but was only 24 then. That helped.

It was some 20 years later that I started running again, and did it daily for 20 years, running hundreds of races including ten marathons. So, obvioulsy, suffered no permanent damage. :smiley:

You can try it, but use good thick socks, slather vaseline all over your feet and toes, and if you get blisters, use moleskin and stop running until they heal. If you get bad shin splints, or any bad pain in ankles or legs, I’d advise giving it up until you can afford a pair of running shoes.

The latter do not have to be the top-of-the-line ones, go to a good sports shoe store and be frank that you need as inexpensive a pair of running shoes as they’ve got. Anything would be better than those boots!

Hope it works out for you.

Having served and run in boots, I would suggest NOT running in boots. Yes, you can do it; yes it is cheaper, but if you are one of the people who’s bodies don’t like it it will be too late before you know it. I was running around the track one day and POP! I’ve done Phys. Therapy for 3 yrs and am having surgery soon. I would warm up, stretch thoroughly, and buy new shoes every 6 mo. If you can afford to be on this board you can afford new shoes 2x a year.

I’ve done it, and wouldn’t recommend it.

I always have a pair of jump boots around (Corcorans) because nothing beats them for walking around all day. However, when I’ve had to actually run in them (wrong end of Dixwell Avenue in New Haven at the wrong time of night) they tore my ankles up something fierce, and I couldn’t walk straight the next day. They’re simply too heavy to get the same effect as running shoes.

This is a new one for me. Why would you want vaseline all over your feet? :confused:

Somewhat-WAG: blisters and irritation happen when your skin rubs roughly against something. Vaseline would greatly reduce that friction.

Prior to leaving for the Air Force, my sister combined her conditioning training and breaking in her boots by running in them. Said it slowed her down, but she figured they’d be running in their boots during Basic, so it was best to get used to it. As far as I saw she suffered no unfortunate side-effects.

I wouldn’t do it. My brother came out of the Ranger regiment with bad knees and ankles, and most SF guys I know have knee problems. For a long, long, time, the Army would only let you run in your boots. Ouch.

Funny- I saw a kid obviously trying to get into deployment shape the other day- he was jogging in his boots and quite a bit of battle rattle! :smiley: Semper fi, kiddo!

Buy a decent pair of running shoes. You can get started for less than $30.

Oh man, have I got a better question for you! Why WOULDN’T you want vaseline all over your feet? You haven’t LIVED until you know what that feels like! :wink:

Actually, yeah, as was said before, it’s to prevent blisters. I prefer to wear nylons under my socks, less cleanup afterwards. One of those things that got me teased when I was at Philmont, but then, I was one of the few guys in my Trek who didn’t get blisters on his feet, so it seemed to work fine for me. :smiley:

I can tell you that during Basic training it was (don’t know if that’s still true) against the rules for our instructors to order us to run in our combat boots, because they do not provide adequate cushioning and can prmote/aggravate shin splints.

Doesn’t mean that they didn’t, but something to think about :slight_smile:

The Canadian issued boot is exactly the type I warned you against, full leather up to the ankles and stupid hard soles. I wouldn’t want to walk too far in those things, much less run.

The distance you run is important. Things get rather uncomfortable once you pas the 10km mark, that was the reason why the rule was brought up, because people were, in fact, injuring themselves doing so using boots that generally did not fit and were designed for maximum wear life instead of comfort. These are what I wear, very soft and lightweight, so more suitable for running. They supposedly don’t last longer than 6 month, but the army’s footing the bill so I’m golden. :slight_smile:

I was in the infantry back in the 80’s, and we ran in combat boots every morning. We were all young men, and still there were all kinds of problems with foot, ankle and knee injuries. It is my understanding from word of mouth (No factual cite or first hand knowledge) that morning runs are now done in running shoes. If this is true, it must be for a reason, I suspect that reason is they figured out it is far better to issue running shoes than to have an inordinate number of soldiers unfit for duty. The Army is not known for it’s efficiency, but nothing gets the higher ups attention more than having a bunch of soldiers at the dispensary with medically verified conditions that prevent them from normal duty.

I used to go running in the Philippines wearing nothing but sunglasses, jungle boots, UDT shorts and a towel around my neck. Since I’d only see other guys on the trails that were dressed the same way, it was no big deal. But if I were to run the trail at my local suburban park today in boots, I’d look like some idiotic neo-Nazi GI Joe Wannabe.

Durashock is the sole brand that Wolverine puts on thier boots.
They are ment for being on your feet all day and work great when you are walking around all day on concrete.

I’ve have several pairs.
I’ve never tried jogging in them but they are great for hiking.

Try them out one time and see how they do.

Who needs shoes?

Running barefoot is cheaper and often healthier. Just avoid hot asphalt and concrete for a few weeks until your feet toughen up.

Sorry, I live in Texas. Avoiding hot asphalt and concrete is pretty damned near impossible. :smiley:

And jogging in the grass means my foot becomes perforated by all sorts of thorny things, most notably Goatheads, which look like tiny little pointy frisbees that invariably get stuck in my feet, even when I’m walking barefoot indoors :eek:

Got a preference?

The original.