To amuse myself on my commute yesterday I was listening to a particularly inane morning radio show. On the agenda were, of course, a couple of yes-man, knuckle-dragging DJs and some guy who seemed versed in the histories of the Democratic & Republican candidates for the 2004 presidential election. I can’t recall his name or credentials. Sorry. But he brought something up that confused me, and the more I think about it, the less I understand its relevance or soundness of logic.
He asserted that Kerry was slippery & self-interested (my summation) because he was a highly decorated Nam Veteran–medals for courage, proud purple heart events, etc. and then turned coat on his fellow soldiers through his anti-war protests and resulting alies & tactics.
Personally, I don’t see the contradiction–Kerry seems to have been a hell of a fighter who was interested in ending a crazy war. I don’t know many soldiers/veterans who think war (especialy one as little-understood and little-supported as Viet Nam) is a good way to spend time; and I would assert that a push to end the fighting, irrespective of tactics & bedfellows, shows compassion for all parties involved–Us and Them.
Am I missing something or is the radio guy a mud-slinging cook trying to drive a wedge between Kerry & military foax?