I tuned into Letterman tonight to hear John Legend - a singer I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz about lately. Impressions: The man has a very passable voice, a good backup band, overall a nice sound…
…and a song ripped off directly from a 60’s hit.
The song was Save Room For My Love. Dave introduced him, the intro started, and my first thought was: “He re-made Stormy by Classics IV! How cool is that?” Then he started singing.
Blatant rip-off. I hope he’s paying royalties to the writers of Stormy because the progressions are exactly the same.
Seeing that George Harrison got successfuly sued for his song My Sweet Lord sounding too much like The Chiffon’s He’s So Fine, I wonder if we’re going to see another lawsuit coming up.
Well, he’s not denying it. “It’s a sexy song and it’s a feel-good song,” Legend said. “It’s based on an old song called ‘Stormy’ by the Classics IV, and it just feels good. I love the sound and the vibe on the song. It was exciting [to make].”
Damn, but today’s musicians are a feckless lot. If they’re not sampling other people’s stuff, they’re ripping it off outright, but who cares, as long as their wardrobe line is selling. And screw all the idiots who are lapping it up like puppies do with their own diarrhea.
Um, acknowledging your sources is not the same as ripping off. I haven’t heard the song in question, but if the guy’s been quoted as saying that the song is indeed based on Stormy, then he’s not ripping anything off.
I read that Buddy Buie and James Cobb, who wrote ‘Stormy’ (as well as ‘Spooky’ and ‘Traces of Love’, two other Classics IV hits), have a deal to get 50 percent of the income for the ‘Save Room’.
So, he’s gracious enough to admit he’s copping someone else’s song, and even paying for it. While he’s at least being what passes for honorable about it, I remain underwhelmed. To each his own, or someone else’s…
What whelmed? Judge the song on its own merits, I never said he gets extra points. What the fuck’s wrong with a “partial cover,” if a cover is OK? Seriously?
Nothing’s wrong with it; I just don’t see the point in everyone lining up to kiss his ass and hand him Grammys over yawnworthy half-covers. Shit, he’s so boring I really don’t want to waste anymore bandwidth over him. I’m out.
As long as he gives credit its OK, and as long as people call him a good entertainer, not a good songwriter. I mean Elvis never wrote a song. But then again, he never “appropraited” one either.
As for Led Zep, even forgetting about the blues stuff- they steal the ENTIRE
OPENING of Spirit’s “Taurus” for “Stairway to Heaven”- and its no accident, they were touring with Spirit around that time. They also lift the chord progression from Chocolate Watchband’s “And She’s Lonely” as well. But they’re still the best.
[QUOTE=Wee Bairn]
I mean Elvis never wrote a song. But then again, he never “appropraited” one either./QUOTE]
He’s listed as co-writer on at least one song (and received royalties) that he never wrote a word of because he wouldn’t record it otherwise. So, yes, he appropriated songs in an even worse way, IMO.