Johnny Cash Wake At Quasi's Place

This will be the first opportunity I will have had to devote an evening/night to listening/playing to Mr. Cash’s tunes one right after the other.

Got my little Takamine all tuned, and the CD player set to play all the tunes I know. The beer’s on ice and I’ve been practicing the words, so that I can get through them without choking up.

Y’all are heartily invited, of course, but if you can’t make it please post your favorite Cash tune in this thread, and it’ll be just like you’re here with me. :smiley:

One of the first songs I learned on guitar was A Boy Named Sue and that’s the one I will lead off with. The first song I ever heard, however was I Walk The Line and me and my German Opa used to drive my mom crazy by playing it over and over when we lived in Germany!

Wonder how many other Johnny Cash listening parties are going on tonight?


I walk the line. First song I’ve heard. Sentimental value. I had it in my head all day when he died. Me and some of my friends sung it afterschool, when we were hanging out, and we all got a little misty.

Johnny Cash can make teenagers misty. That says something. :frowning:

Delia – I’ve been singing it ever since the news hit.

I’ve never really been into Cash until recently. Its so unfair that just as I’m starting to truly enjoy someone’s music they die. I really like ‘Hurt’ and ‘I Walk The Line’.

Duck, there’s whole world of Cash music for you to discover. I envy you the discovery of one of the most important voices/writers of our time! I remember when I first heard his voice. I was mesmerized, and he made me want to hang on to every word!


Just a couple of my favorites.

I’ve Been Everywhere
Give My Love To Rose
Hey Porter

And yeah, I know we’ve had Johnny Cash threads before. To some of you ad nauseam, I expect. I appreciate y’all indulging me one more time, however.

I was okay till Give My Love To Rose just now played. Man! I hate a cryin’ drunk, don’t y’all? :smiley:


BTW, I just realized I posted in Cafe Society. Maybe it’s better suited to MPSIMS? Won’t hurt my feelings if it’s moved.


Put on One Piece at a Time; it’ll keep you from getting weepy. :wink:

Can’t go wrong with Ring of Fire, either.

“Big River” - the raucous live version from San Quentin. The man was a punk ahead of his time!

Thanks chique! :wink: There are many humorous songs that he did, aren’t there? One really early one I remember is called The One On The Right (Is In The Middle). :smiley:

Also, I think he had a good relationship with Shel Silverstein, and who can forget the time Kris landed that damn helicopter on Johnny’s lawn and handed him Sunday Mornin’ Comin’ Down?

Right now, we got Wanted Man playin’! :wink:


Hey! Do any of you “middle-aged” :smiley: Dopers remember a movie from the 60’s called “Ring Of Fire”? I believe it was about a submarine involved in something “cold-warish”, maybe? I think they used Johnny’s song as the title track. Anybody?




I remember discussing the greatness of Johnny awhile back in another thread with you. You were actually one of the first guys I thought of when I heard the news. I am still recovering. The day I heard, when I came home, I sat down and played every tune I could on my guitar while listening to his music. It was an extremely somber occasion.

I request “I see a Darkness”.

It was “I Still Miss Someone” that did it for me.

Right now I’m listening to “The Beast in Me”.

You say 'em I play 'em, moejuck. I don’t mind being y’all’s deejay tonight! Just wish we were actually on the air! :smiley:

Yours is right after One Piece At A Time!

(I’d be one of those guys who’d lock themselves in the control room and gets fired the next day!;))
“Hey Oneeeeeeey!”



Ooh ooh ooh. . .just pulled out my own CDs.

Don’t Take Your Guns to Town
Ragged Old Flag
Five Feet High and Rising

And my personal favorite. . . .

Dirty Old Egg Sucking Dog.

“I’m gonna stomp yo’ head in the ground!
If you don’t stay out of my henhouse,
You dirty old egg-suckin’ hound!”

Wonder what the ASPCA would think about that one today, hon?


Highway Patrolman, (a Springsteen song) was somehow brought “closer to home” when Johnny made it his “own”.

“…Man turns his back on his family well he just ain’t no good.”

NOW you tell us about the wake! It’s too late to get there before you’re completely totaled.

How about another vote for Big River. Then play Ballad of a Teenage Queen, then There You Go, then Mean Eyed Cat, then Next In Line, then…

Yeah, I’ve been playin’ Johnny all week.

Hey Johnny! I’m still here, and not even a fifth (!) of the way totalled!

I Got 25 Minutes To Go! (Plus all of your requests, thanks!)


Good to see you again, my friend!