Joining the long list of Homeowners

We got the official word last night - the seller has accepted our offer. The house inspection is tomorrow. A week ago today we didn’t even know this house existed, and now we’re well on the way to being homeowners. YAY!!

It’s a great house. My only regret at the moment is a teensy one: the way the bathrooms are set up, there’s no room to install a whirlpool bathtub like we’d talked about. But the hot tub downstairs sort of makes that moot. :slight_smile: Also, the furnace and stovetop are gas instead of electric, which makes me a little nervous, but I think I’ll be able to get over that. The kitchen is fantastic, the rooms are set up well for entertaining, the yard is big, and it’s in a neighborhood we already know we like.

So, any tips for a couple of new (almost-)homeowners?

No advice, but congratulations!!!

I think that once you start paying the utility bills, you’ll be glad the heat and stove are gas! Plus cooking with gas beats electric every time. I HATE electric stoves.

When’s the housewarming? :slight_smile:

Hey, congrats!

I have to echo what ren said, gas rules man. I wouldn’t buy a house without the option of having gas, especially for cooking. Really, it beats electric in economy and in application.

Congrats, Missus Dawg and I just signed our final paperwork last week and have spent the past few days painting and cleaning.

We are very excited as this is our first house. One thing I can tell you is that the first month will be quite expensive as you will have all of these “great ideas” to fix up your new home so I hope you have saved some money…

Thanks ren, Demo, Dawg144! I think by February or maybe even late January we should be settled, so watch for the official PNW Dopers Hot Tub Party thread in a couple months :wink:

The issue I have with gas is not the cost, it’s an irrational fear I have of house fires. But the more I look for information, the more it seems that I would probably be in more danger of a gas leak than of a gas explosion/fire. In fact, the house I grew up in has gas heat and my parents haven’t had any problems, as far as I know. So I don’t think it’s going to keep me awake at night - at least not too often.

Dawg: Yeah, the first couple months are going to be a little tight, as we’ll be paying both rent and mortgage for a month or two. Luckily for us, we’ve got a fair chunk in savings, so we should be able to make it.

JayLa, I noticed you live in the Seattle area also, It’s has been great seeing the housing prices come down a bit in the last few months, It felt like we were never going to be able to afford a house here. My house has gas heat and water but I still have an electric stove and wood fireplace both of which I am going to replace with gas.

Dawg, I have to agree. It helps that the housing market around here has cooled off a little since last year too. Our agent said that 18 months ago, if you left a house without making an offer, you lost it; now you get a couple days before it gets bought out from under you. What part of the Seattle area are you living in, if you don’t mind my asking?


  The feeling of walking in and closing the door behind you after the closing and sayiong "This is mine" is unique. Savor it.

 Go get a 1892367 piece tool set at Sears. You'll use every one - something always breaks/need upgrading.

Gas is better than electric for cooking - easier to modulate heat of an open flame that judge tint of a resistor element. Get a CO detector for yoru furnace.

I hate I can’t get a hot tub in the house. When I lived in Mom and dad’s, I could’ve put one in the basement. Wasn’t my place.


Lurker, you had better get that hot tub put in before I visit. ok. :slight_smile:

what kind of fun can we have without one.

Hmm… gee, right now all I can offer is the regular tub or a shower… unless you prefer sponge baths…

well, we will discuss our options when I get there, and I am so glad you have your own house.:slight_smile:

How about a whole new furnace?

We had the inspection Wednesday and the furnace is in seriously bad condition, due to an apparently lack of maintenance. The inspector said it could be repaired, but we’re probably better off replacing it. The house also has some pretty major electrical and plumbing issues. Maybe I was celebrating too soon. :frowning:

Jay, that’s why you have inspections. Maybe you can get the price adjusted rather than walk away. Better you know now - particularly electrical - that can cause fires and kill you.

BTW, thanks for clearing up my typo so I didn’t look like an idiot or bad typist twice. FWIW, I am a bad typist (can anyone really think they are an idiot? Doesn’t having the mental acuity to pose the question answer it?)

Yeah, we’re going through the amendment phase now trying to get things fixed and/or price adjustments. They’ve asked for an extension until Friday to get bids on stuff.

A house fire IS my biggest phobia. In a way I’m glad that the problems are as big as they were, because it means that they must be addressed before the deal goes through. And I’ll sleep better at night knowing that everything was recently inspected and brought up to code. It’s just frustrating to find all these problems under the aurface, although I admit it’s naive to think that any place will be perfect.

As a deeply experienced homeowner of 6 months, I welcome you to the club. Gas stoves are amazingly great. Having a home of your own is a retty big thrill, regardless of the mortgage.

Hey, only 14 more years and this baby is all mine!