Jonbenet Ramsey Special - CBS

So does 1/3 of my team. It means nothing.

Um… how else should they be referred to? That is considered a normal term for them around here, are you from outside the US and perhaps use a different English dialect?

I didn’t watch the special, but from what I know Burke has never been in any sort of trouble.

The grinning could have been nerves, it’s not unknown for someone to react like that. Even if he is lacking in normal empathy that doesn’t prove he killed anyone or committed any sort of crime.

And “public opinion” can go fuck itself - that’s why we have courts and not lynch mobs. It’s also probably why he works from home and is socially isolated.

A lot of kids sneak downstairs to play with Christmas toys. Leaving fingerprints on a bowl of pineapple is so sinister… seriously? Look, I get that in context those things had to be investigated, but they were. Last I heard, none of the Ramsey’s are suspects. Barring new evidence, which is highly unlikely, they won’t be in the future. Yes, I know, it’s messy not to have a satisfying resolution but sometimes that happens in real life (and real death).

The CBS special matches my theory of the case.

They didn’t believe there was any evidence of sexual abuse. The tested brand new underwear and found DNA of unknown people that didn’t have access…conclusion was that it came from the people handling the garment China or Taiwan where it was packaged.

Uh yeah, actually it is. Especially when the victim has undigested pineapple in her stomach and no one remembers giving it to her. The Ramseys have always maintained Burke slept through the night, so him being downstairs with a possible murder weapon is very significant.

Did the pineapple kill her? No? Then how is that sinister?

No, I’m American and speak English. I’m a father of two girls and we’ve always referred to their undergarments as underwear or underpants. My wife felt the same way as I did during the show. It just seems that the word panties has more of an adult, sexual connotation than is appropriate for a little girl.

Maybe it’s regional. Panties has always been a little kid thing where I lived in the northeast

No but it may connect them at a time they weren’t reported to be together.

Although I did not go to Purdue, I am a software engineer who does most of my work remotely, rather than in an office.

Which is weird, because I’m the one that actually killed her.

That does not explain properly that the foreign DNA was found commingled with the blood of the kid. And then the same DNA was found in other pieces of clothing and under her fingernails.

IIUC that commingled DNA is really unlikely to come from China if the panties had already gone to a few washing cycles. That should had been the case then.

[Newscaster: “Tonight at 11:”

Morbo: "DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!](Futurama - Morbo - Doom! - YouTube)

Sahara Tea, that’s exactly what I think, too.

Keep in mind that the only person who declared the Ramsey family “cleared” was a later DA Mary Lacy. Subsequent DA’s (and Police Chiefs) have said that Lacy’s letter is meaningless, they don’t agree with it, it holds no legal weight, and besides, Mary Lacy is Fruitloops.

(OK, they didn’t say that last thing, but everyone in Boulder knows it and they strongly implied it.)

Even if the DA had been fruit loops, the big logic fail is to assume that the labs were also.

One also has to take into account that that DA is out of the picture for several years already and the authorities have not refuted the DNA evidence, again thinking that that was the case is the continuation of many loopy theories.


I don’t know why you are so indignant at public opinion in this case. The public know full well that their opinion means nothing in terms of the Ramsey’s legal guilt. But public opinion has every right to believe the Ramsey’s probably had something to do with Jonbenet’s death. We have every right to strongly suspect the Ramsey’s are hiding something very sinister.

The Ramsey family has been hounded in the court of public opinion for 20 years. It’s a tremendous injustice if they had nothing to do with the death of JonBenet.

Several prosecutors have looked at the case and didn’t file charges.

Labs indicate there’s a DNA profile of the killer. All they need is a match. The Ramsey family will never get out from under this cloud of suspicion until the killer is matched to that profile.

If only JonBenet had lived to see her children taken from her by protective services after her third relapse into drug addiction. Tragic.

You have every right to be wrong.

Is the general public a police officer? Forensic investigator? Laboratory? District attorney? No. What the “general public” is, is a potential mob.

Leave these things to actual professionals instead of speculation and conspiracy theorists.

No. If we left these things to the actual professionals Jimmy Saville would likely still be viewed as a national treasure in the UK. Sometimes the professionals don’t get it right.

No, you don’t have to take the DNA out of the picture. It just doesn’t prove anything. A few microscopic spots of unknown DNA can get on another’s body thousands of different ways. A kid grabbing someone’s arm can put skin cells under her fingernails. If she goes to the bathroom after, AHA!, DNA on panties!. It’s meaningless without loads of other evidence.

The killer’s DNA? Is there a microscope that can identify that DNA comes from a killer? We shouldn’t have any unsolved murder cases anymore, then.